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vox et praeterea nihil

A voice and nothing more

You think you're such an important person being a radio dj, well your just vox et praeterea nihil

by VoxOfReason January 21, 2016

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en temps et lieux utiles

French phrase meaning essentially, a combination of "when the time is right (for you to know)" and "when and where you will be mature enough (to know)".

son: Dad, who is Jerry Sandusky? I keep hearing on his name a lot lately on Fox News. And how is it possible for a coach to be accused of child sex abuse?

father: Oh. you'll learn en temps et lieux utiles. Now go sleep tight.

by Sexydimma June 23, 2012

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mange merde et morte

Eat shit and die!

Hey dickwad ! Mange merde et morte!

by Scheize April 21, 2017

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cessat ratione legis, cessat et ipsa lex

a) a Latin phrase meaning (original meaning): if the rationale behind a law fails, so should the law (i.e. it is potentially time to replace said law, since it may n o longer serve its intended purpose)

b) (my new and improved English translation of the phrase): a nicer way of saying " repeal and replace" old and possibly antiquated laws)

can cessat ratione legis, cessat et ipsa lex, definition b) be applied, or should it even be applied, to Obamacare?

by Sexydimma December 17, 2016

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venisti, vidisti, vicisti. et ad victorem spolia!

A word for ROBLOX's Ready Player One.

Dominus Venari

Description: Venisti, vidisti, vicisti. Et ad victorem spolia!

by Oofing Pooping April 7, 2018

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Mater tua criceta fuit, -et pater tuo redoluit bacarum Sambucus

Latin for "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries". (A quote from Monty Python's Holy Grail.)

Mater tua criceta fuit, -et pater tuo redoluit bacarum Sambucus!

by Arthur- King of the Britons August 3, 2011

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panem et circenses

Bread and circuses in Latin

Panem et circenses can also be interpreted by the alt left liberal media in the United States to refer to fast food and entertainment as the main pillars of US culture.

by Sexydimma March 16, 2017