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faze guy

A black ashy guy

Wow faze guy is a cheater

by Gay_boi 201 January 24, 2017


Lost in, entranced

I was so fazed in that movie

by Rererererere2 March 17, 2024

FaZe Philosophy

FaZe Philosophy : a FaZe member that is known for his trickshot specials and teamtage's

FaZe Philosophy : a sensational FaZe member who is known for y y 720 insta shots and his montage's

by DGK LOKI December 20, 2015

FaZe Rugged It

When you fake something for views and likes,known from the youtuber/gamer FaZe Rug

"I think he FaZe Rugged it,there's no way he actually did that!"

by keysify March 27, 2022

faze fart

An small clan that consists of some of the greatest players in the world
No one knows them though.

Which should stay that way, they could change the course of history and everyone would suffer.

Meg: " have you heard of faze fart?"
Kumbaya: " Isn't it that one group of unknown legends?"
Ted: " allow me to explain "
* Ted never explained *

by dnaplayz November 14, 2023

Faze Noodlez

Faze noodlez is a one of the weirdest faze members. definitely one of the top weirdest ones with faze Columbus and faze chungus . Faze noodlez likes to throw noodles at random people he finds on the street. His noodles are the longest and the thiccest around. Don't try to compare sizes with him. His size is much overwhelming.

Person 1: Is that Faze noodlez?

Person 2: RUNNNNNNNNN!!!

Person 1: Why

Person 2: His noodles are to powerful . They will Crush you

by FaZe NoodleZ March 8, 2019

Faze rugger

Anyone named Landyn

“Your a faze rugger

by Faze rugger June 18, 2022