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fecal debris

Small quantities of shit expelled from the anus often accidentally whilst performing a Belgian Sneeze or Dutch Cough (farting).

A partial act of 'following through'.

Christ! I popped a fart and filled my undercrackers with fecal debris! Luckily, they were pebbles so I shook those undies out!

by Craig in the Hat March 22, 2009

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Fecal Cloud

According to Neil M. Ampel, MD in Journal Watch Infectious Diseases published online on May 19, 2010, a "Fecal Cloud" is what surrounds Clostridium Difficile (C-diff) infected patients in their hospital beds.

Scientists documented that 7 out of 10 C-diff patients had airborne C-diff bacteria or spores surrounding them which likely came from the patients own flatulence which dispersed them into the air.

Clostridium Difficile is pronounced several ways: Klos-tridium Dif fe sell or Dif fe seal.

Neil M. Ampel's observation where he names a "fecal cloud" arises from a published study by Emma Best, et al. in Clinical Infectious Diseases called "The potential for Airborne Dispersal of Clostridium Difficile for symptomatic patients " on June 1, 2010. Since C-diff spores and bacterium are passed out of the body in feces, Neil may have thought this was useful definition of the phenomenon.

This paper supports my theory that C-diff patients then can breathe back in their own C-diff spores and bacterium from their 'fecal cloud" thereby prolonging their disease and/or contributing to their death. Airborne C-diff directly leads to prolonged hospital epidemics and are a leading and quickly increasing cause of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI).

by AirborneDiseaseGuru April 28, 2011

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fecal frosty

A popular frozen dessert enjoyed by many street workers too keep energy levels high while working on cold streets. Loaded with protein and carbs, its the number one way Hookers start their day.

Fuck Red Bull...gimme a fecal frosty!

by Chinwa February 22, 2007

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fecal hair

A "hipster" beard. Scientific evidence has proven that large quantities of fecal matter "shit" lives in the highly groom facial hair of so-called "hipsters". The massive amount of shit particles in said fecal hair is a direct result of "male" hipsters constantly touching their bearded faces with unclean hands. It is also a known fact that "hipsters" are too "cool" to wash their hands after taking a dump, or after peeing, as they always feel the need to sit when they go to the bathroom, like the pussies they strive to be. A secondary cause for large quantities of shit or Butt Nuggets embedded within their fecal hair, is the fact that most hipsters will suck an occasional cock, therefore their beards come (no pun intended) in direct contact with the anus of the suckee.

Look at that fucking clown's beard...yeah, that is some serious fecal hair.

by ZippyMoonbatJr May 7, 2015

Fecal Extravaganza

A party or festival of epic proportions that usually ends in disbelief or embarrassment during the following day or days to come. See 'Shit Show'.

This party is going to be one hell of a Fecal Extravaganza!

by ///illertime August 29, 2011

Fecal Stimulation

The act of irritating the crap out of someone.

Damm, but Tracey is giving me some serious fecal stimulation.

by Willie Lube March 5, 2013

Fecal Mange

The unfortunate result of an awkward chocolate sham-pรณรณ in which the recipient allows the fecal matter to dry in his/her hair resulting in the appearance of matted, mange.

I was like "Damn, Girl! Don't be tryin to cuddle on me with that nappy ass fecal mange!"

by Reverend FeltaboyNorthernsert October 14, 2011