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A society of people mostly in the USA that claim to fight for gender equality, though, most fight for women to have all the power. Some things the bitches complain about are men getting paid more even though most men have more life threatening jobs, men speeding their legs on a bus so they don't crush their dick, and conventions to help men suicide.

Feminism is fucking dumb.

by Anonymous_Real_Offical January 24, 2017

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Cancerous movement devoted to killing all men, not equality as their propaganda will have you believe.

The only thing worse than feminism is Black Lives Matter.

by Tr0g_d0r November 15, 2016

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Feminism is about equal rights. Feminists believe both genders should not be discriminated against by the other and should be treated fairly. Ect- equal pay, sexual slurs, being treated less like a piece of meat or a housewife. It’s 2018 for fucks sake. I’ve read way to many of these where they speak about women hating on men or wanting to be higher/better than men. Basically most of these definitions are written by sexist bullshitters. Feminism is about women having the freedom of choice of how they are treated, what they do with their bodies and more. So unless you’ve experienced being constantly felt up by males and being catcalled or just being put down about BEING A GENDER then stfu.

β€œAre you a feminist?”
β€œSo you hate men.”
β€œ no, I just believe that we as genders should have equal rights and freedom of choice when it comes to our bodies.”
( feminism is defined in the most simple way as , anyone seeking equal right for both genders.)

by Done with issues March 21, 2018

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Feminism ~ The belief that women can go topless if they want(Only hot ones)

Take your shirt off . Follow the ways of feminism

by Kachow King March 16, 2018

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An archaic term that is coined to mean equality between the sexes. First and Second wave feminism still follow this definition, and the suffragettes deserve respect for winning the women the vote and so on.

However, there is a different kind of feminism today. 3RD WAVE. The third wave is what today's society knows as SJWs, "The Triggered", Tumblrinas, and Feminazis. These loveless creatures usually take the form of an obese woman with brightly coloured hair and an attitude even more unattractive than their physical phenotypes. The third wave are a very, very different breed of woman in comparison to the other waves, and should not be associated as such.

Third Wave Feminism can be described as: "A political movement of prejudiced first world women who wish to silence free speech and dominate the world in a new age of matriarchy"

That being said, there is also the sad loveless creature known as the "male feminist" who is even more hypocritical, delusional and sees supporting these women as the only way they could ever be loved, but this rarely works out as many feminists are also queer/lesbian and despise males.

Bob: "Feminism is cancer haha"
Billie: "No Bob, that's not right. The first and second waves actually helped the world."
Bob: "Oh right, sorry. 3RD WAVE feminism is cancer!"
Billie: "haha"

by Itsumi.A.Mario April 10, 2017

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She had a serious case of Feminism

by I'm a tree April 20, 2017

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A movement of powerful women, who want all genders and races to be made equal. Usually wrongly accused of thinking they’re the superior gender, when really they just want equal rights for everyone.

Feminism isn’t a bad thing

by BRO_1205 November 18, 2018

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