a group of girls who need a break away from the hubbys and kids...
a gang of girls who calls them selfs the flamingo sisters
Staring at a hill in Australia for hours.
Get ready for plenty of Tickling The Flamingo when you are watching Rob's Periscope.
When you buy at least five pink yard flamingos and anonymously put them in someones yard as a joke/prank
Friend 1: Man last night i got flamingo bombed!
Friend 2: Haha thats flamingo bombing is hilarious, i wonderr who it was?!
In sport, a flamingo jockey is one who rides flamingos in flamingo racing or dresses accordingly while riding a flamingo. The flamingo does not have to be alive for the jockey to be considered a 'flamingo jockey'
Flamingo jockeys in Barbados are renowned as having the fastest flamingos in the world giving them the nicknames 'Badoflams'.
Wanking off whilst doing a handstand.
I walked in on Terry flamingo bleaching the other day.
a method of male self-masturbation utilizing one leg when both hands are either occupied or not desired
Rob utilized the flamingo kickstart when he was juggling at the bachelor party to effectively masturbate. He was successful.
1. to operate or move by an up-and-down or back-and-forth action with one leg raised; much like a flamingo (an aquatic bird having very long legs and neck and pinkish to scarlet plumage)
2. a seductive dance move involving thrusting of the pelvic area while balancing on one leg
The second she heard her song, she was in position to flamingo pump- no matter who watched.