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Falun Gong

(a banned political movement in China)

in North America, an offensive term for a person of Asian background, especially if the person is of Chinese descent and is part of political movement/organization/political affiliation that you hate.

person a) my neighbor is such a Falun Gong, he belongs to an organization fighting for compensation for the descendants of Chinese immigrants brought to slave on the (both Canada and The US) Pacific Railway.

person b) nah, just let him be. As he is not infringing on your Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech and Expression fund your own political movement that would aim to remove all Vietnamese mafia members involved in the drug trade from The US; the DEA and ATF would be grateful.

by Sexydimma November 13, 2012

Falun Gong

Although officially a banned political movement in China, this terms is

in North America, an offensive term for a person of Asian background, especially if the person if the person is of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean descent and is part of political movement, organization or political affiliation that you hate.

person a) my neighbor is such a Falun Gong, he not only belongs to an organization fighting for compensation for the descendants of Chinese immigrants brought to slave on our West Coast (both Canada and The US) Pacific Railway, he also happens to be a Democrat, and I am Republican to the bone marrow.

person b) nah, whoever this guy is, just let him be, as he is not infringing on your Constitutional right of Freedom of Speech and Expression. maybe fund your own political movement that would aim to remove all vietnamese mafia memebrs involved in the drug trade from The US; the ATF and DEA will be happy thought.

person a) sounds like a plan to me, man, thanks.

by Sexydimma May 3, 2012

Ling Gong

A person who attacks anyone pro-China.

Person A: I think China is an OK country.
Person B: No, China is a shitty place.
Person A: Thanks for crapping on my opinion, Ling Gong...

by simp2000 September 3, 2020

Ling Gong

Opposite of Wu Mao. A person who blindly attacks a China enjoyer.

Person A: Based on this article, China is doing a bit of good in the world.
Person B: You're a Chinese shill!
Person A: Go away, Ling gong.

by simp2000 April 17, 2021


1. A word that is used to notate someone that looks like a riceball: Small and round. These individuals also look like they roll around when they walk/run.
2. A ball made of bunched-up rice that is a staple cuisine in Asian countries such as Korea and Japan. Other ingredients can also be included in the riceball, such as dried seaweed and sardines.

"So-and-so looks like a Ssal-gong"
"She's 160. Such a Ssal-gong."
"Look at that Ssal-gong roll about."

by Riceball_Chef September 22, 2022

Shi Gong Zi

Shi Gong Zi literally meaning in Chinese is Food Master or Mr. Food. Shi means food while Gong Zi often refer to the son or daughter of the feudal class People would address to them as "Gong Zi" (young master). Ancient people in opinion that it took three generations to be officials, only they could cultivated refined taste and became epicure.

Jacky Liew was the earliest person who used "Shi Gong Zi" as his pen name since 20 century 80s' to write the food articles . At the same time, he is also the first food critic in Malaysia and the first person who introduced the theory of Nanyang Malaysia Cuisines was influenced by the Malay Archipelago and classified into 3 social classes and 5 main ethnic groups. He is also widely regconized as the "Food God" and "Food Critic" and has been the first Chinese Food Critic who met by the Malaysia Supreme Ruler, so that "Shi Gong Zi" has become synonymous with gourmets and food god and widely used in Asia. The meaning further extends to the person who enjoys delicacy or the experts on food, wine and tea.

Example 1:

Wow, so many food you ordering, are you trying to be Shi Gong Zi?

Example 2:

I think that I could scrumptiously describe food like Shi Gong Zi !

by Kelly Ir September 26, 2021

rockin a gonge

When a fat chick turns into pamela anderson

I was rockin a gonge one time and this fat camp looked like a supermodel camp That was the day that i got my biggest boner.

by pablo picasso November 14, 2004