Other ways to say “ga lah”, “ga deng” after saying an offensive or unfunny joke.
Gyale hehexd
“Jelek lu Gyaleeeeeeee”
A breakout genre of sheer brilliance. It is dancehall on steroids created by cook and vibe superstar M Dot R. 100 Gyal is the future of reggage x dancehall which M Dot R is hoping to introduce to the world. It incorporates phonetical spelling of words and rapping at 'the flash' style speed. Woii Oii
100 Gyal 98 to the 99 Do Di Maths. Woii Oii
tree gyal is a magystical madi creature climbing up a branchy tree in the mistical woods, her hair flows from side to side as she sings her favourite melody.
oh you look like a tree gyal today
The baddest girls...There have aid,crabs,hiv you name it there have it and them like to thief phone
Boy= I see ah valley gyal ah like..
Nex Boy=Boy you mad them valley gyal sick
They're mostly lesbians and ones who aren't either want a bullerman from Pres or with a CESEC man
Trust me don't trust 95% of those girls because you might horn with one.
Guy 1: She nice and red and is a Holy Faith Convent Gyal,Win.
Girl 1:My friend get drop from she for a girl.
Guy2: Yes,she left me for a girl.