When you take a solid turd and give it a handjob with diarrhea as the lube.
I was bored so I did a dookie diarrhea hand job with my homies.
The act of submerging your hand in ice water until it becomes numb and then jerking yourself of while watching the Frosty the Snowman special.
Properly executed you should get the feeling you are being given a hand job by a frozen corpse.
By night 2 of being lost in the snowy forest Timmy resorted to a frosty hand job which reminded him of the many loveless nights with his ex.
A Thailand hand job includes a woman inserting a wooden rod about 2cm wide into the mans penis/urethra and stroking it until the man is ready to ejaculate.
Bethany gave me a Thailand hand job and I've been pissing every 10 minutes.
A person who is always drenched in semen when ejaculating with their right hand.
He looks like a sopping hand job because his pants and underwear are wet all of the time
When you take a girl on a date to Little Caesar’s, where you then split a $5 Hot and Ready Pizza in your car, and she proceeds to give you a hand job while her hands are still covered in pizza grease and cheese.
Jessica is such a slut, she gave me the cheesiest little Caesar’s hand job on the first date in my 1998 Subaru Outback, what a fucking skank