A term coined to describe a ratchet girl; the type of girl that goes out of her way to start confrontation; happens to like hot cheetos
Maria Montante is the biggest hot cheeto girl ever, just look at the way she shakes her booty when she walks
Sophia Moran is the opposite of a hot cheeto girl
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a girl, usually latina or black. she can usually be found wearing hoop earrings, long acylics, and a bag of takis or hot cheetos. she's also known to eat them outloud in class, and to say " periodt "
hot cheeto girl: " periodt boo! "
person b: " can i have one? "
hot cheeto girl: "nah b u looking crusty af. "
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Women that say this are usually about go out and be a hoe. Hot girls are women who dress with their jaws and tits hanging out. Usually are in public stealing other women’s boyfriends or husbands. (They normally go for the ones that have fat ass wallets; Hot girls don’t f*ck with broke men.) They twerk just about anywhere. Women that say this are usually about go out and be a hoe.
“Hey Cindy! Girl it’s about to be some real hot girl shit going down today bitchhh!”
“Ayeee period hoe! 🤪🥳”
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Hot cheeto girls ard girls who have high self-esteem and think they are ´baddies´. They really are trashy, ghetto girls. They typically wear trasher, hoops, messy buns, checkered vans and ripped mom jeans. Careful, they are fiesty
¨___ is such a hot cheeto girl¨-rando
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The wanna be ghetto girl,the beat me up sis girl,if you see a hot cheeto girl RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at that hot cheeto girl over there.
the hot cheeto girl is so ghetto.
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A ghetto teenager who likes to fight. She thinks she’s scary but is usually only 5’2”. She normally wears thrasher shirts and messy buns. She wears long acrylic nails and ripped jeans. She is disrespectful to everyone.
“Why didn’t you invite Ashley to your quince?”
-“Umm…she’s a hot cheeto girl!”
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Ouuuu... that one girl with the long acrylics... she dat girl who smacks her frickin hot Cheetos and gets her fingers all red... that beech which the over ripped jeans... and ya. When she BREATHES you make sure you don’t say or do anything wrong because girl you gonna get it...
Omg!! Today at lunch I accidentally rolled a grape across the table where one of the hot Cheeto girls were and I swear I thought I was gonna die!!!!
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