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god damn independent

more than being independent! being GOD DAMN INDEPENDENT is the highest form of not needing no man.

No Terry, I am GOD DAMN INDEPENDENT and I can open my own noodle box

by TaylorMareeMakeupArtist January 10, 2018

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independent fundamental baptist

a cult that holds very conservative views. Will literally shoot you if you use the NIV (KJV only), wear pants as a female, question leadership in the church, or are gay. They believe that women are under men and should never have any leadership roles. Basically they stay at home barefoot and pregnant. They also beat their children before they can even form words (spare the rod spoil the child). Many have schools so they can keep the children away from the world so they do not get corrupted. If you grew up in this denomination im sorry :(

boy: oh yah! I grew up Independent Fundamental Baptist
girl: Oh, so you grew up in a cult?

by awaw54 December 4, 2021

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independent lake camp

one of the worst camps in the nation, known for having sex and smoking pot. horrible surrounding and awful campers who are usually all losers.

Independent Lake Camp is a camp in Pensylvania.

by Rana1895 September 25, 2007

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Declaration of Independence (USA)

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation

The Declaration of Independence (USA) is piece of paper that assigned to give a country its freedom to move on from example a colony coloniser or a rebel attack

by SGS165 February 18, 2022

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Strong Independent Young Woman

Usually it is used as a way to justify when a woman is rude to a man by saying she is an independent young woman. Usually it just means she is a complete asshole, because it can be distinguished from a successful, confident young woman which is less of a values proposition and less of a description of negative behavior trying to legitimize it. Usually it has nothing to do with capability and everything to do with someone yelling and screaming and saying I'm an independent strong young woman who can do what she wants even if it means being an asshole. Usually it is a sign of being common, entitled and often with strong mental illness. It is the opposite of a nice, confident young, successful woman because nice and successful are not prerequisites.

A. "Hey look at that strong independent young woman."
B. "Yes she just called that random guy on tinder a Pedophile because he said 'hey' and was a boring ass response"

B. "Yes her parents must be proud."

C. "Hey do you know that independent young woman?"
D. "yes she was yelling at her Mum and told her she was going to get a tattoo and was really trashy."

C. "yes really trashy and sarcastic."
E. "Hey did you see that independent young woman?"
F. "Yes she was so undignified and basically was the rudest person I know a man would basically be arrested if he tried that."

G. "Hey did you see that independent young woman"?
H. "Yes she hates children she is like evil"

by The Grad Student August 19, 2018

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Pakistani Daughter Independence Day

On July 5th, Pakistani Daughters are free to makeout with any white guy they choose.

They are free from any repercussion that may arise from their fathers.

It has been kept secret by Pakistani fathers for hundreds of years. Instead of mistletoe, the Pakistani daughters hang bowls of Buttered Chicken from the ceiling, and any white guy that happens to stand other the Buttered Chicken gets to makeout with the Pakistani Daughter.

Dude, I just stood under the Buttered Chicken mistletoe and madeout with that hot Pakistani chick over there...amazing! July 5th is better than Christmas! I love Pakistani Daughter Independence Day!

by The Brave Little Toaster Oven July 6, 2009

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Independent Order of Odd Fellows

Also known as the "Three Links Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth.

Friendship - The strongest bond of fraternity, that teaches goodwill and harmony.
Love - The basis for all life's ambitions, service to others and family.
Truth - The standard by which we value people and the foundation of our society.

Independent Order of Odd Fellows aims to improve and elevate the character of humankind not just through words but through actions.

by IOOF September 16, 2009