preparation list; a list that is written out by cooks and chefs to list in order of importance what needs to be done for the day.
Chef, my prep list is particularly big today. Can I come in an hour early to get a head start?
A stan list is a list people a person "stans", i.e. people they are a fan of.
Commonly used in K-pop and other Asian pop music fandoms and communities.
K-pop fan 1 : Just added MCND to my stan list!
K-pop fan 2 : Yes, slay!
K-pop fan 3 : Ugh my stan list is so long, I stan like 30 groups.
K-pop fan 4 : Wow, that's a lot! How do you manage to keep track with all of them?
K-pop fan 5 : I'm thinking of adding some K-bands to my stan list...
K-pop fan 6 : AS YOU SHOULD!!!
The honor roll at a college or university. It is attained with a minimum GPA of 3.5.
Mike,Wade,Pat,Gary,Eric,Musa,Brock,Todd,Tony,Ed,Andy,Andrew,Jon,Scott,and Abe all made the dean's list this semester!
A list that a whore uses to remember who she had sex with
Joe: Did u see that pitsch was on danica’s sex list
Alex: No way bro
Like a normal playlist but better
Damn this vamp list is the shit!!
The vamp is on fire.
The distribution list that you send an email to in the office when it's your birthday and you have left cookies by the coffee machine.
Maggie "Hi everyone, It's my brithday today, 21 again! To celebrate, please help yourselves to cookies by the coffee machine!"
Debbie "Oh damn it, I'm working from home today and I'm still on the cookie list!"
a list of the people you would/will simp for,
can you believe britney put aaron on her simp list? ew.