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Jag Paw

Noun: The spirit of FMHS, in the form of having your hand up with your fingers out like a paw.

Verb: to get jag pawwed, is to be destroyed by the jags: pooped on

Adjective: something that is just totally badass and/or amazing

Dude look at that jag paw pride, everyone has their jag paws up!

Dude we just jag pawwed them 62-51.

Bro that pick six was so jag paw

by JAGPAW<3 October 16, 2010

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An awesome electric guitar designed by Kurt Cobain, singer and guitar player to Nirvana. It was made by Fender. It was a mix between a Fender Mustang and Fender Jaguar. They stopped being made so you can't buy them in stores anywhere.

I bought a Jag-Stang off ebay from a guy for $500!

by Bobby Machay July 13, 2005

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to consume large quantity's of booze. Get hammered out ones mind.... Have a blood alcohol content greater than the legal limit... Black out while drinking... Complete loss of function with a large blood alcohol content

woke up next to something this mornin, must have gotten hell-jagged last night.

by shack slut December 15, 2010

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Jagged Jared

When one person shoves a sharp object during sexual intercourse in to another's ass.

"If you don't smarten up, i swear ill give u a jagged jared!"

by Ryan Queensmith May 28, 2008

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1. a law enforcement professional, that can't help but be a total jag-off in any situation.

2. a cop, state patrol, narc, detective, and even the useless guards in a a courtroom, that get their kicks by being a jag-off.

"In front of the judge, the jag-officer smiled each time one of the people he ticketed stood up to plea their case."

by P Bullets July 7, 2010

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Jagging shirt

a shirt that is worn when an individual is out to score some bitches

YO DUDE!I like your totally rad Jagging Shirt.you must be out to score some super hot bitches!

by thepeej September 26, 2008

Jagged soprano

The deuce one smashes out after eating Italian food, corn and peanuts.

I had mussels marinara after the baseball game last night. The deuce I dropped this morning was a real jagged soprano.

by Falter Ego May 3, 2009