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January 13

The day, month that only true thugs are entrusted to have a birthday on. If you were born on this day your most likely one of the coolest people on.

P1:Keanna was born on january 13th?

P2:Yea, that must explain why she is sooooo friggen coooool

by TSTESS December 31, 2009

619πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

11 january

You are a legend! You know everything and you are very intelligent.

They become a very important in the future.

You are a 11 january!

by December 7, 2020

72πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

january 28

A j.cole song establishing the superiority of people born that day.

β€œCheck your birthdate…January 28” β€” j.cole

by lunercomine January 14, 2018

105πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

January 20


teacher: So your homework is page 2 to page 6 on your activity book and...
Student 1: Mrs. Yee, its January 20
teacher :and?
Student 2: Teacher your not suppose to give homework on this exact day.
Students: YAY.....

by LALAlay;a November 19, 2020

46πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

January 31

National Crackhead Day

Every crackhead must come together and do crack

Crackhead 1: Bro, it’s January 31.
Crackhead 2: You know what that means.
Crackheads 1 & 2: *whip out crack pipes*

by asrielle October 15, 2019

265πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

January 16th

If your born on this day your the prettiest, coolest, and best girl/guy. When people look at you all they see is a beautiful young person that they can see a future with. Your super caring and everyone you meet falls in love with you.

Oh look at her, shes so pretty she must be born on January 16th .

by Your bestest bestie xx November 4, 2019

98πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

January 2nd

The best day of the year. People who are born on this day love the winter and holidays. People are always telling you about how you were almost a new years baby.

I was born on January 2nd

by GGgggDDD274 December 30, 2011

236πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž