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Super jelly

Term to describe a state of extreme envy.

Dude, I'm super jelly of how cool you are.

by Butt chowder September 12, 2010

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jelly john

A clever turn on a classic prank. The original prank calls for putting plastic wrap over a toliet bowl so when someone goes to pee, it splashes back. The jelly john, furthers this, instead of using plastic wrap, you fill the toliet bowl with a layer of clear gelatin thus making the prank harder to detect an much harder to deal with.

It can be used as either a noun, or a verb.

Lester was pissed off at his room mate, so he gave him the ol' jelly john.

Pete's jeans were all wet around the knees because someone jelly johned his toliet.

by cool4dude November 7, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

jerk jelly

Lube for jacking off
i.e. Hand lotion, Vaseline, etc.

Brady was home alone so he lathered up with jerk jelly.

by Thor's hamm3r April 5, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jelly On Springs

A bouncing bum, not necessarily female.

The once was a curate at Kings
Whose mind was on heavenly things,
But his heart was on fire
For a boy in the choir
Whose ass was like jelly on springs.

by John Tzetzes April 18, 2011

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Moose Jelly

The liquid left behind after a fart that covers the outer linings of the butt/ass hole.

Golly jewilikers Birtha, my ass itches. Must be the moose jelly left over after that burrito fart I just flopped out.

by Big Daddy V. May 13, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

jelly bean

Someone who acts/plays hard headed, but really is soft at heart. Like how a jelly bean is hard on the ouside and soft in the middle.

"Thats my brother, Ant. I call him jelly bean. Hard headed on the outside, soft on the inside."
From the movie; ATL

by Nick Meers July 9, 2006

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jelly roll

1. Female genitalia.
2. Intercourse

Old blues song: "Jelly roll, jelly roll, sittin' on a fence / If you doan get some you ain't got no sense / Just wild bout my jelly / My sweet jelly roll." (NOT composed by Jelly Roll

by Jesfine September 2, 2003

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