A Juggalo is someone akin to a Trekkie,but instead of being obsessed with Star Trek they are obsessed with ICP.Usually they are white kids that want to act like black gangsters.
If anyone ever even tried to ascociate me with Juggalo they'd get punched in the fucking balls
oh yeah ICP fucking sucks kids...it's a huge fat guy and a skinny little geek that think they are bad asses and rap about siht they've never done and never will do.
"I take it up the ass cause I'm a Juggalo"
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a stupid word that faggots use to call themselves
kid1: that kid calls himself a juggalo
kid2: dont go near him hes a faggot and might try to blow his load in your tight asshole
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A TOOLο»Ώ who is USED to SPREAD psychopathic records rhetoric, a cult member, someone who can be USED to influence others into being "Down wit the clown"..Aka.buy merchandise and cd's and influence all your other friends to do the same cause its "Cool".. Musical Brainwashing. Low IQ. NO self confidence. there are exceptions some of you are smart but it doesn't matter because the majority rules, and your fam is 99% STANKIN RETARDED.
Look at this Juggalo defending psychopathic records, dont they know they are just coming off as a retarded tool.
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A fan of ICP. Easily identified by having numerous ridiculous large-sized Isane Clown Posse stickers on a rusty ford escort or dodge shadow. Usually accompanied by a 2 liter of Faygo. Generally skeezy in nature, usually escorted by underage female or "juggahoe". A high concentration of Juggalo's reside in rural areas in michigan, although Juggalo's are found throughout the United States and Canada.
"A bunch of Juggalo's in line for the ICP halloween funhouse verbally assulted me while I was at the stoplight at Park and Kalamazoo!"
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Juh-guh-low adjective; The personification of reverse evolution when applied to an individual already possessing the character and attributes of a complete and total Neanderthal. The absolute lowest form of human life whose filthy appearance and lack of intelligence and moral compass is ineffectively camouflaged by a layer of sheep cum disguised as clown makeup.
Made possible by society's legal restriction from throwing its inept, useless, destructive members into a pit full of hungry, irate alligators. Usually travel in packs to avoid the general disdain and violent tendency that good civilians have towards child molesters, spousal abusers and pregnant druggies.
United in their desire for methamphetamine, welfare checks, and butt sex from their leaders, the Insane Clown Posse, who have renounced them several times although Juggalos are not intelligent enough to discern this from the painfully simplistic lyrics they worship.
1. Farmer's wife: "I heard a hell of a racket in the barn last night. Is everything alright?"
Farmer: "God Damn Juggalos trying to blow the sheep again, I painted the walls with their brains. Thank God for my trusty shotgun."
2. Sherlock Holmes: "I dare say, Watson, I simply cannot deduce whether that clown-painted poof is male, female or if it is simply a smoking manatee with a hideous skin condition and appalling taste in fashion."
Watson: "Very good sir, shall we kill it before it reproduces?"
3. Jesus: "I have died on the cross and overcome death so that you may be cleansed of your sin and walk with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. And the Bible sayeth: No Juggalo fags allowed."
4. Juggalo: "Whoop whoop MCL family, lets butt-pork until society stops hatin' on us."
Normal citizen: *BANG* "Got one, high five!"
5. Juggalo: "Hatters gonna hat"
Me: "Fuck my life, the human race is doomed"
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A white trash fatass douche monkey (or sometimes giraffe like) dumb bitch who worships insane clown posse & smells like shit
Hello fellow juggalos let's go beat up that handy capped kid!
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Actually it is a real religion. Due to the fact that Juggalos come from all faith backgrounds, it would be difficult to describe the higher power, or God, in a way that would be understood by everyone if we didn't call it the Dark Carnival. The place of happiness and peace in the afterlife is called Shangri-la, the place of punishment and regret is called Hell's Pit.
As with any other religion, Juggaloism sets out guidelines for behavior, such as don't hate on other Juggalos, no domestic violence, racism, things like that. We have our own clergy, religious meetings, and are recognized by the government as a religion. The hatchetman is a valid religious symbol to those who believe in Juggaloism and is therefore protected by religious freedom. We are in no way a cult, because we do not require money or blind obedience from members.
Some of the actions of the Fellowship of Juggalos (a church started for Juggalos), have been the Juggalo Suicide Prevention line, care packages for pregnant Juggalettes, and monetary assistance (out of the clergy's pockets) for members in need.
if a person doesn't claim a faith on their own, but they believe in the Dark Carnival, Shangri-la, and Hell's pit, that's Juggaloism.
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