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love is something that can never be explained to its fullest extent.

love is not a diomond ring
love is a plastic vending machine ring.

love is not getting in their pants.
love is when you dant care if they keep their pants on.

love is not getting laid.
love is laying with them.

love is not groping.
love is just cuddling.

love is not talking non stop.
love is staying on the phone even if its silent onthe ohter end.

love is not keeping things from eachother becasue you dont want them to worry.
love is going through pain together.

love is not a cookie cutter mold.
love is unique.

love is not like watching a romance movie.
love is like making your own romance movie.

love is not all you need.
love is a companion of pain.

Derek: i love you.

Natalie: How much?

Derek: too much for words.

by Naddy Darling December 16, 2007

159๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž


In a torn society, love is a powerful strength. More powerful than hate, more powerful than violence, way more powerful than your problems! Love is everlasting. Consider yourself strong if you have love in your hearts.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4

Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12

by God is Love 1 April 6, 2013

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is an emotion usually described as 'indescribable' because you can not find the right word to match your feeling of being completely and utterly captivated by someone.
You think about them every single day without fail.
You can't wait to see them and speak to them.
You can not help looking at them when they are around you: you glance at them and if you happen to catch their eye, you will smile a sincere look of longing to be with them, which they return.
Even if they do not look up at you, it doesn't matter, you smile at them anyway and know that they are the only person you will ever want to share your deepest secrets with, or spend every second with...
When they speak, they look at you even if they are addressing someone else in the room.
The look in their eyes is warm, open, accepting and understanding.
Their body-language tells you that they want to pull you in close and NEVER let you go.
They don't care if you don't want to have sex because you get the most unbelieveable and overwhelming feelings just being with them (in clothes).
They play with your hair and tell you you're beautiful and you mean the world to them.
When you look good, they tell you honestly.
They joke around with you and even if you say stupid things, they don't laugh AT you, they understand that it happens to everybody.
You love them no matter what their IQ is.
You love them regardless of previous relationship problems.
You love them in every way possible.
You think they're amazing.
You talk to them for hours on end and never run out of things to talk about.
When you hear their name or hear them call you by your name or even your nickname, you can't help but smile at them.
You are never jealous when they talk to someone else or go somewhere with someone else because jealousy is a sign of lust, NOT love.
You dream about them: being with them; them saving you in akward situations; marrying them; growing old with them.
You think about them before you go to sleep and when you wake up.
You wonder where they are and what they might be thinking abut.
You can picture the look of happiness on their face.
Their smile is contagious.
You don't care where you go with them as long as you ARE with them.
You miss them when you're not with them.
You ancipate evey kiss and every cuddle and every moment you spend with them.
They don't care if anyone is watching when they kiss you, whether it's their friends, your friends, family, strangers or the dog.
They mean every kiss.
Each kiss is sincere and makes you feel like you could put your head on their shoulder and stay there forever.
You trust them with your life.
You think how wonderful they are and you tell them.
You tell them that you love them more than the number of stars in the sky, more than the grains of sand on the earth, more than life itself.
You will do anything to keep them smiling, laughing and loving every moment of life.

You tell them you love them because they make you feel so overtly happy; that you can't help but feel as though there is no evil in the world, no suffering, no pain, no loneliness, no darkness...

And when they tell you that they love you for all the same reasons, it suddenly makes tomorrow look that little bit brighter, the good in the world that little bit righter, the sun feel that little bit softer...and you get the overall feeling of comfort and hope that everyone will get to experience the wonderful emotions you feel.
And your heart feels complete.

1)They send you messages with signs to tell you they are interested eg. :P or ;P or ;) and they say things jokingly but may be a hint eg. "your a sweetheart....but your a terrible liar" or "look love, your too cheeky for your own good" or "doing anything tonight? i was just curious.." or "so you think HE'S cute?!" or "have a good weekend" or "have a great holiday"

2)Trying not to make the body-language obvious eg. sitting facing you or going to sit in the chair closest to you, trying to act all calm and cool, but everyone notices it, sometimes even before you.

3)When they walk past you, they try and catch your eye, and they smile at you, EVEN if someone else is talking to them or they are walking with loads of other people. It's their way of saying that no matter what, they're thinking of you.

4)They act really gentle and caring towards you eg. offering to help you or holding the door open for you or favouring you when he has to choose who to side with...as small as this is, the small things in a relationship can take you far.

5)While talking to you, they mention personal stuff eg. their parents' divorce, previous relationships that went wrong, their favourite things, where they go on weekends, what their goals and dreams are for the future, telling you that you can always go to them to talk or get a second opinon or advice...this shows that they feel comfotable talking to you.

6)They want to hold your hand, even if it's just 'mucking around'. They playfully nudge you in the arm or cuddle you. or even better: they are one step ahead of you and ASK if your cold, then regardles of your answer, they move closer. Physical contact, like that, is a way of showing affection.

by psychologist in training April 18, 2006

99๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


great beauty. NOT pertaining to sexual beauty or physical attraction, but attraction of inner beauty or emotions
such as that of aumie

Aumie is so lovely. You should read her xanga sometime..

by just.junking.it.up June 2, 2006

621๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž


One definition that I've heard that stands out and I find to be truer and truer is that love is wanting the person you love to be happy. Thats all that matters is that you want them to be happy. Its not about making yourself happy its about them.

If you truly love her then you'll want her to be happy more than yourself.

by j_cates88 April 3, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Love It

An expression popularized by UCONN & WESTCONN students, used to express extreme joy / approval for a situation.

"Sara Got Totallyyyy Trashed Last Night & Puked ALL Over Sam's Basement.."

"Love It."

by Saraaa March 5, 2007

44๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is the feeling that you only feel once in a life time. When you are in true love, you will consider that love and all other affairs will seem so pointless compared to true love, see how a person can only really fall in love one time. It's hard to explain but if you think about it, you'll understand.
Love, true love, is when you are willing to let that person you love go with the love of his life, in order to just see him happy.
True Love is not blind... if you love the person you'll see there flaws, but still consider them beautiful.
You'll notice the little pimples they have all over their face, you notice how short they are, you notice that there's a bunch more beautiful people than that person.
Yet, you still love them.
Love is the only emotion that will never be 100% described. Love changes.... your life forever.
You might say "Oh, I've only loved two people in my life". Stop lying, you know that deep down you only loved one, and that true love, regardless whether you are married or not, will always be your love deep down.
Love, is not to be confused with a strong crush. No, when you love someone, you'll do anything for them, even see them walk away with the one they love... sometimes that may not be you.
You are not in "love" when you hug and kiss you boyfriend. You are in love when you firstly see him kiss and hug his girlfriend and leave it like that.
Love is fierce, and has hardships.
Love is not when you kiss the person in the rain, love is when you listen to the problems that person has even though it's raining.
Love is when even a little piece of grass has a meaning to you. Nature seems beautiful, you look up at the sky and think about that person, you think of that person before you fall asleep, while your in the shower, while you sing, while your in class, while your walking, while your writting definitions, while your writting, while your on your cellphone... sometimes you might even doze of thinking of that person.
Love, is when you write a deep defition on Urban Dictionary and cry/laugh while you deeply think of what love really is.
Love is when you read this defition and not laugh or smirk. Love is when you realize the defition wasn't meant to be perverted, and you read the defition with a clean mind. Love is when you read the entire defition and realize that love has happened to you and realize that even with its flaws love is a beautiful thing.

Good luck.

The love I felt for him never meant anything to him.
I thought that maybe it did, but deep down I knew I was lying to myself... he never cared for me. While each day I fell more in love with him, he couldn't have cared less.

If you read the defition and thought it was perverted.. you are a dirty perverted bastard.

by TheGirlInLove November 15, 2007

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