A Bennie pies who rages quits to rocket league. A beautiful man that is gentle, kind and Soft-spoken.
Where is Milky Nuggs.. he is the man
The Milky McGee is when a woman lactates into a cup and a man expels seminal fluids into the cup. They mix this together and pour it on the genital region of both parties. They then begin to have sexual intercourse with each other. The Milky McGee is used as a lubricant and a softener of the skin to make intercourse more enjoyable and comfortable for each person.
My girlfriend and I made a milky mcgee to help kick things up a notch last night, and it went great!
When you spoon your boyfriend (or significant other with a penis), and wank them off at the same time, therefore resulting in a "milky spoon".
I gave Dave a milky spoon last night, after he power washed my anus with his tongue.
A creamy flow of white saliva that escapes a moth when you step on it
“Hey did you see those milky mothes! That was sooooo gross”
“What’s a milky moth?”
It’s that gross stuff that comes out when u step on a moth”
When you gargle milk then spit it in to your sister then proceed to lick it like your a cat
Yo bro I just dirty milkyed my sister last night
mag⋅ic milk⋅y maj-ik mil-kee
–adjective, magic milk, magic leche.
1. of or like milk, esp. in appearance or consistency, yet with magical qualities.
2. white or whitish in color. But magic can turn it into any color.
3. used to make children feel better, when in pain, or as a distraction. Can also be used as nutrient.
4. the motherly art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of lactic incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human-motherly control. Pretty much, it will keep your kid from crying. :)
children feel better with magic milky, to lament what cannot be changed or corrected, can in fact be corrected with Magic Milky.
-example: Ava's angst was diverted with the use of Magic Milky, after receiving her painful immunization shots.
When someone's crocs are too beautiful and have too much swag to handle.
Person 1: Omg,look at Debra's crocs they are beautiful.
Person 2: You're right Janice, she has them Milkie Edgewards crocs.