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GameFAQs Moderator

A wonderful person that likes to moderate a Gaming Board that no one should give a second look to in the first place.

"Those GameFAQ mods deleted my message again! It was just a link to a GBA rom!"

by CJAYC FANBOY2001 March 17, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moderate Christian

Someone who doesn't believe anything in the bible, doesn't go to church, sins on a regular basis, but believes god exists anyway. Pretty much an atheist who hasn't read the bible or ever considered that their parents lied to them.

Atheist: Have you actually read the bible?
Moderate Christian: No, but my priest said it was a good book because it says we shouldn't kill people or steal things.
Atheist: It also says you should beat your slaves and rape a virgin to make her your wife. Plus, every culture in existence has had provisions against killing and stealing.
Moderate Christian: It's my belief, you intolerant Atheist! You're so intolerant. Why can't you let me believe what I want? You're always coming to my door, buying tv networks, and teaching little kids that they will suffer forever if they aren't atheists.

(Agnostic joins in): Yeah you atheists are so intolerant. You can't prove there isn't a god.
Atheist: I wasn't trying to. I was only saying the bible is a pretty bad book; it condones slavery, rape, and mass murder.
Agnostic: INTOLERANT!!!!

by 666dmetal666 January 17, 2012

18๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gamefaqs moderator

People who work for the moderation of threads and regulate order at gamefaqs dot com

I am a gamefaqs moderator regardless of your opinion on the matter, we don't allow the term to be used in that manner here.
Yeah, umm. Not gonna happen.
I am always right.
It doesn't matter what you think.
I don't care that your argument is valid.

by Thetruth01 March 16, 2012

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moderate Republican

1. literally, a Liberal Republican
2. a Washingtonian

when Colin Powell said he was a moderate republican what he really meant was that he was a liberal republican

by adolphas December 16, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

moderate muslim

Muslims opposed to extremism and fundamentalism.

"Moderate muslims are fighting against AlQaeda"

by Sajid May 2, 2007

76๐Ÿ‘ 359๐Ÿ‘Ž

GameFAQs Moderator

One who's job it is to make sure that the 17 simple to follow rules that are shown to you when you sign up to Gamefaqs, are followed.

Violate any of the rules in any way, and your message will be deleted. If it is a severe offense, you'll get even worse punishment.

Quit bitching and just follow the fucking rules.

f*** - censor bypass. not allowed.
you're a dick - flaming.(insulting) not allowed.
The xbox sucks because it weighs 9 lbs - trolling.(encouraging flames) not allowed.
Where can I get an earthbound rom? - Ileagal Activities. Not allowed.
Everyone go to blahblah.com! - Spam. Not allowed.
I got a handjob in the bathroom once and jizzed in the girls face - Offensive posting. Not allowed.
This is off topic but... - Off Topic Posting. Not allowed, even if you announce it is off topic.
The boss at the end turns out to be a woman - Spoilers without warning. Not allowed.
fsjdkl;afjk!!KJJi88*!! - Disruptive Posting. Not allowed.
Let's all invade the nintendo board - Flooding/Invading/Board wars. Not allowed.
I'm Bill Gates - Impersonation. Not allowed.
I'm going to find you and rape you - Harrasment/Stalking. Not allowed.
If you do this, you can get free karma - Bugs and Exploits. Not allowed.
Robots/Posting Bots. Not allowed.
Other. I.e. anything that isn't written here but clearly doesnt belong on the board. Not allowed.

Now follow them and don't complain when the mods just do their job.

by |< /\ /\/ โ‚ฌ |โ€บ |-| /-\ /\/ January 16, 2005

62๐Ÿ‘ 300๐Ÿ‘Ž

Discord Moderator

Discord Moderators are part of a special race mostly unliked by all. Don't confuse Discord Moderators with people with a high rank. They mostly simp for girls and are typically over 30, don't have a job, and live in their mom's basement because their dad left them for the milk when he realized what a failure his "accident"You should be able to identify Discord Moderators with a few tricks.
1. Spam in the general or post memes, when the Discord Moderator sees this he should ban you or warn you within 3 mins. (3 mins are important)

2. If you don't follow the rules A Discord Mod should respond almost immediately.

3. Discord Mod's enjoy banning people, VERY MUCH

Did u see the new girl in the server, the discord mod is like a dog in front of her.
Jimmy became a Discord Mod, He is banning people like swatting flies...
*Remember all moderators are not True Discord Moderators*

by OmgYouAreGayINeverKnew September 14, 2022

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