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used to express that a situation is relatable. very similar to "mood" but with a soft ending.

"I'm just so unmotivated. I can't seem to get any of my work done."

"Ugh, I know. What a moof."

by December 10, 2020


used to express that a situation is relatable. very similar to "mood" but with a soft ending.

"I'm just so unmotivated. I can't seem to get any of my work done."

"Ugh, I know. What a moof."

by December 10, 2020


used to express that a situation is relatable. very similar to "mood" but with a soft ending.

"I'm just so unmotivated. I can't seem to get any of my work done."

"Ugh, I know. What a moof."

by December 10, 2020


a term used to show that something is relatable. similar to "mood" only with a soft ending

"I'm just so unmotivated. I can't seem to get any of my work done."

"Ugh, I know. Moof."

by December 10, 2020


To mess up and be relatable at the same time.

Well I really moofed that up didn’t I

Wow what a moof

by Sbdisbdhe snaksbeh August 11, 2019


An incorrect spelling for mood, usually spelt by a person who is extremely tired. Also added two animal sounds put together Moo-Woof

Person 1: I’m so tired!

Person 2: Thats such a moof

Person: HaMoof!’ Moo-woof l!

by FallOutWofl October 14, 2020


A cross between mood and Oof (bonus points if there’s a cow nearby)

“-and then she ate her grandmothers ashes

by churchprimeispogchamp January 25, 2021