The act of being too kind or friendly towards an individual, creature, or inanimate object—
More specifically an act of empathy or compassion.
“Don’t kill the spider just take it outside!”
THAT is Sasha Behavior
Classifying or indexing all human behavior in a criminal context so all activities can be used as pretext for investigation and prosecution.
The polar intelligence matrix between the average person and policy makers induced a gross behavioral criminalization after years of adopting confusing law.
Everyone broke the law on a daily basis because they lived in a state of gross behavioral criminalization.
Gross behavioral criminalization allowed for an easy wiretap on the police department.
When you continue to do that same thing right or wrong over & over it is behavioral conditioning.
Looks like he's at it again?!
If he keeps that effort up, it will lead to behavioral conditioning for him.
Johnny Black III
Black Sensai
A way to describe people who save photos of others and pretend its them
Jack: Did you see that photo in selfies?
Zoe: Yeah, such Caplocc Behavior
A strategy teachers done by teachers to correct bad behavior from students. This is done by placing badly behaved students around good or quiet students in hopes that the bad student will learn from the good student how to be good.
“I can’t believe my seat got moved next to Jacob”
“Yeah he’s so loud and mean.”
“I feel like a behavior buffer.”
Somebody that looks like you who does the exact same thing as you at the exact same time
The other I saw my behavioral doppelgänger in the mirror
Somebody who looks like you and does the exact same thing as you at the exact same time.
I looked myself in the mirror and I saw my behavioral doppelgänger .