when entering a supermarket or smaller shop you are looking about to score some deals. When you find that ideal one you are to refer to it as a "Fat Deal" as its low prices makes it available for you to purchase it without having to spend Bare Cash.
M - "oi shan come into tescos for some scran"
R - "shan no everything there is bare expensive"
J- "OH KURWA, there are fat deals in tescos right now, actual go in and buy it"
M,R - "shan J no way there actually is Fat Deals now, cheers bro x"
J - "i got you bro x"
Dealing from the bottom of the deck.
Mike and Worm got the shit kicked out of them by police at the $20/40 table when Worm was found to be base dealing.
A term relating to a favored employee getting back door deals or special considerations from their manager. Employee must be a friend or secret lover of said manager. Employee is most likely sub par.
Tiffany: "Wow, how did Jennifer get to keep her job even though she received a DUI? Doesn't she drive for a living?" Mario: "I don't know. Must have been a woofer deal... She parties with the manager that slipped her into the new position at work"
Breathtakingly irritating phrase used by idiots when they mean "big a deal"
Stopped getting worked up about people adding unnecessary words to sentences, it's not that big of a deal.
A phrase used to convey appreciation and consent to a deal or plan being made.
Jimmy: I'll give you five bucks for that skateboard.
Johnny: Square deal.
A TV network paying an actor not to go elsewhere while they are trying to locate a project to star him.
Kirsty got a wonderful holding deal from NBC.
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