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hetero gay enthusiast

A heterosexual male who is an excitable participant in all things pertaining to the stereotypical gay lifestyle other the physical act of fucking blokes.

Big Dog: ‘Babs, darling, shall we catch another show tonight? I heard that ‘Magic Mike’ is playing at the Palladium and it’s a spectacularly raunchy man-fest’
Babs: ‘Sounds good, Big Dog, just give me a sec to get the butt plug in and I’ll be ready’
Big Dog: ‘You fucking what, Babs?? We’re supposed to be hetero gay enthusiasts- it doesn’t work if you go full poofter on me, you queer cunt. Actually, here- take your feather boa and tank top back- Big Diz ain’t got no time for closeted shirt-lifters.’

by Anonymous submissions September 12, 2024

oblivious hetero

A straight person who is clueless when it comes to anything homosexual

“Did you see those boys sitting together?”
Oblivious hetero- “ah yes, best friends and roommates

by Z95.1 April 21, 2021


A term my sleep deprived brain made up, meaning a heterosexual person who is like a trash bag. Used when a heterosexual is being homophobic, transphobic ect. Not to be confused with calling all heterosexuals trash.

"Omg. (Insert name) called me a f***ot. He is such a Hetero-bag."

by Liliow August 14, 2020

Hetero Sapien

Someone so straight that they can be classified as an entirely new species, Hetero Sapiens.
If you want to achieve this rank for a girl you must be only sucking dicks
And for guys you have to be only licking vags

karen: hi im hetero sapien

by Stupid Af July 24, 2021