South African, Durban, Indian slang terminology
Another person
a blissful and majestic way of saying owen. it is commonly used in a funny tone/voice. it is a good way to reply to questions or even just saying it at any person at anytime. OWE.
eat it for oweeeeeee
“are you going to burger king tonight?” -owe
A blissful and majestic way to say the name owen. it is commonly used in a funny voice/tone. it is a great reply to a question and can even be used anywhere at anytime.
“yo are you going to burger king?” OWE
“eat it for oweeeeee”
A cool Afghan smart guy with a great character. He will keep you laughing no matter what and he always writes hes messages in CAPITAL LETTERS . Often seen as a gentleman and womanizer and is famous for the expresses Strul-mul. Very handsome and honest. He'll change your world to make it better and is very good with computers. He may not show it, but he is a super loving and passionate person. He may appear withdrawn, but you must take time to know him because he will make your life a better place. He is also very nice and good looking. Always hunting; for good food, good friends. He also have a funny dialect.
Why is Owes so cool?
Who is that fast guy? Oh, that is Owes. HE IS THE MASTER!
Uhh, that handsome man must be a Owes.