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Sloppy Pajama

An alcoholic beverage created by mixing apple flavored vodka with coca-cola.

Konrad: Bartender! Serve me a sloppy pajama!

Kobe (Bartender): One sloppy Pajama coming up!

by Melevo October 2, 2022

Pajama Jamie Jam

A wild house (boat, library, club, etc.) party that requires you to come dressed up in your pajama's or sleep like attire some time usually during the night.

Like seen on House Party 2, when kid n play go to college. Please see this movie if you have any questions.

Denise: Hey what type of party is it?
Mark: You know, an old fashioned Pajama Jamie Jam!
Denise: Ohhh! I'll make sure to wear my new baggy shiry and Joe Boxer boxers!

by Edwin Tucker June 2, 2015

pajama robe

Pajama robes are the uniform worn by practitioners of martial arts.

Man, I love how loose these pajama robes are!

by HouseSanity March 15, 2019

squishy pajamas

It’s the part of a women’s pajamas where you can stick your hand or another individuals hand through the groin area, hence the squishy area

Oh man SPJL got into Lisas squishy pajamas last night

by BRUH467357 September 20, 2017

pajama shopping

Stress food shopping. When you go into the grocery store intending to buy wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, soup stock and yogurt, but you come to the register with nothing but comfort foods like pop-tarts, ice cream, and heavily sweetened cereal and soda pop. You might as well have gone to the store in your pajamas, hence, pajama shopping.

I was so disappointed in the Game of Thrones finale I found myself pajama shopping for pretzel cones and two boxes of bourbon truffle ice cream.

by Laughter On Water April 16, 2020

pajama shopping

Stress food shopping. When you go into the grocery store intending to buy wholesome foods like fresh vegetables, soup stock and yogurt, but you come to the register with nothing but comfort foods like pop-tarts, ice cream, and heavily sweetened cereal and soda pop. You might as well have gone to the store in your pajamas, hence, pajama shopping.

I was so disappointed in the Game of Thrones finale I found myself pajama shopping for pretzel cones and two boxes of bourbon truffle ice cream.

by Laughter On Water April 16, 2020

Stretched Pajamas

When you get a boner and Diarrhea at the same time, so much so that it fills up your "pajamas".

"Holy crap dude, last night I had Stretched Pajamas"

"Dude that's disgusting!"

by Burzonic July 22, 2016