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Lucky Pervert

A term used to describe an individual who randomly stumbles upon perverted/sexy situations with no real intent of doing so.

"Dude, Sarah invited me over last night and I walked in on her changing!"

"You're such a lucky pervert, you bastard."

by DarkCrusade May 19, 2015

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pervert crotch

When you are wearing jeans, and the zipper area folds, giving the impression that you have an erection.

I'm telling you it's not a boner! My jeans are giving me a pervert crotch!

by sparrington December 11, 2007

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vinyl pervert

an obsessive record collector.

I couldnt get near the record bins because there were too many vinyl perverts in the way

by Giselle Gardonyi March 15, 2004

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pervert in the weeds

Not fully considering all the issues that could present themselves in a situation.

"Let's make sure to test all features of the product, we don't want a pervert in the weeds"

by YSOSRSMAN June 2, 2018

Urban Pervert

1. An author on Urbandictionary.com. Known for making definitions for sex-related words.
2. A pervert that lives in an urban area. Usually likes to go round looking up ladies' skirts.

1. Have you heard of Urban Pervert? His definitions on Urbandictionary.com are gross!
2. Check out that urban pervert looking up peoples' skirts!

by FunkDaBeat October 2, 2014

Conversation pervert

Someone who listens in on other people's conversations. An eavesdropper.

Person1: Hi, I like badgers, they're pretty cool.
Person2: Yeah they are.

Randomer: I agree, badgers are awesome!

Person1&2: Uhh okay.... conversation pervert.

by eggybreadhead January 12, 2011

Primary pervert

To be the biggest pervert in a friend group.

Donโ€™t act like youโ€™re not the primary pervert when youโ€™re the one who put a sock on there penis

by Fred5395 July 31, 2023