Cooking Term. Dominant cheesecake. While a cheesecake is usually submissive to his chef, a power cheesecake enjoys maintaining control over the top and/or the preparation, the normally dominant activity in cooking. Power cheesecakes supposedly have skilled tongues. (They give the best flavor.)
Golly, that power cheesecake sure put up a fight, but I finally stuck it in the oven, if you know what I mean.
The none stop grind no matter the weather your always grinding
I was out practicing football last night GEO POWER
A male homosexual with an extremely active lifestyle or viewed by his peers as holding a position of high social stature.
Just look at that body, money and social life -- what a power gay!
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A common 'chord' used mostly in gutiar based music. It is made by playing the root, 5th and 8th.
For the person who said that parallel 5ths and 8ths shouldn't be even used, I think you'll find this is only relevant to Baroque and Classical music. What about Debussy and his use of 5ths and 8ths? In the right context, it can sound fine.
So please, stop living in the 18th century.
I'm going to play a Power Chord by fretting G, D and another G.
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A person who values their time and hates having to go shopping. "In and out" is the only way they know how to shop, regardless of quantity of items. A power shopper might come across as aggressive and impatient, but they know what they want and where their items are, hence, they see no reason to stroll and dilly-dally and feign that they are thinking of what they want or need to buy.
Power shoppers are known to fill a grocery basket to half-full in under two-minutes. In stores with narrow aisles, they park their cart at the end of the aisle and jog into the aisle, get what they need and toss their items into their baskets from three feet away. They take great pride in always making the basket and never breaking any items.
The man ran his cart into Trader Joe's and began tossing bananas, bags of nuts, loaves of bread and a dozen Clif Bars into his cart. A slow-witted snowbird refused to step aside when he said "excuse me," so he spun around the woman like an NFL tailback, tossed his frozen veggies into his cart and headed back toward the cash register.
A senior citizen commented to her husband, "Did you see how rude that man was?"
The old husband commented, "Nah. He's not rude. He was polite. He said 'Excuse me.' The lady taking up the aisle... who didn't move, SHE was the rude one. I wish I was still young enough to be a 'power shopper,' in my day, I could power shop with the best of 'em.
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An International Man of Mystery
Austin Powers: I put the Grrr in swinger babyyy...yeahhh.
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The power in which humans use to evolve. It is their fighting spirit and their drive for advancement in society.
Simon will pierce the heavens with his drill because he has an overwhelming Spiral Power.
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