The shrimp like post sex limp penis still covered on semen.
Often post sex blow job by partner to clean up all mess, semen and other bodily fluid left on the milky prawn and swallowed.
Two or more penetrative entities in one opening (male or female), where at least one such entity is a penis with a tendency to be overly enthusiastic, especially if it's already been hand-breaded. One could say it is plump, juicy and perfectly seasoned. Of the easy peel variety. Boom-boom shrimp and then there was one (ergo, a 1/2 pound). There is fortunately an easy solution, which is to make this a peel-and-eat style basket.
"We were gonna have some fun last night but it turned into a half-pound prawn basket thanks to Minuteman over here, so we had to go the peel-and-eat route. I could do a lot worse."
1) 'Prawn' made of fish or chicken protein, otherwise unusable bits of fish, flavours, flavour enhancers, colourants.
2) The result of unfettered capitalism inflicted on otherwise intelligent and decent dupes through the creation of goods and products that make a mockery out of everything that is good and pure.
"Faking a whole religion in order to make money? Now that's masterful prawn forgery!"
"Phwoar! You've managed to bake a AAA-rated financial product from a handful of worthless, but endlessly resold and repackaged subprime mortgages. A beautifully forged prawn."
To be very very intoxicated.
Look at Sam man, they are of their off their prawns.
Yeah I know Jenny was totaly off her prawns last night too.
Being prawned is slang talk for being blazed af. Prawn refers to good weed and to get prawned is to get high.
Harry: "Oh man i was so prawned last night!"
Jake: "You got some good prawn then?"
Harry: "yeah man lets go get prawned right now!!"
In Brawl Stars meaning "really good with the brawler Hank" who is regarded as the worst brawler in the game.
"Dude! He's so prawn ready!" (K/D ratio 15/2)
Being a pro Hank player is being prawn ready
Person1: Why are you playing as Hank? He sucks.
Person2: Because I was PRAWN READY!