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Prude as a Turkey

Because turkeys only lay eggs during mating season, this is why they don't sell them in stores!

Else: ahhh shes as 'prude as a turkey, shall we go to a rahmen class i?

by TurkeyRahmen November 21, 2019

nude prude

When a girl says she'll send nudes but then has a bra and thong on.

Shaun: hey do you send me something?
Zoe: why not babe. (Sends pic with bra and thong )
Shaun: your nude prude!
Zoe: bye bitch!

by Girlsandguys October 3, 2015

Try-Hard Prude

someone who is a virgin but ascts like they get it in all the time

"Dude jordan said she wants to fuck!"
"Dude she's suck a try-hard prude.. shes a virgin"

by noneyourbeeswax January 19, 2012

Prude Stripped

An act that is commonly done to a male prude. The act involves two or more people getting someone they know as a prude, and one person pulls the prudes pants and underwear down and the other lifts the prudes tshirt up whilst restraining them. The prudes dick; testes and torso is fully revealed which is something prudes will not like. it should be done long enough for someone to get a photo of the prudes dick so that they cant go back to their original prudish person. The act is done to try and make the prude unprudish as now everyone has now seen their dick so they now no longer have anything to hide. The act should be finished off with one of the persons whacking their dick across the face of the prude or teabagging them; this is to leave a stamp that the prude has been prude stripped; and now their dick is no longer precious and is just like every other boys.

chase- dom needs to be prude stripped
vince- he cant hide that dick much longer
chase- its normal for boys to show there dick but he doesnt
vince- you get the pants i'll get the shirt

by urban_finder March 1, 2019

prude monster

a females that iz extremely prude.

Doc: Man Zoo dat chick a straight prude monster she aint even wanna kiss ion even think she ever kissed anybody and she 25yrs old.

by b-rag-g September 23, 2008


An individual who may be precieved as a "hoe" but has little to no sexual experience.

A virgin who talks and acts like they are extremely sexually active.

Kelly talks like they have been having sex for years but really they are just a prude-hoe.

by Creedbratton420 June 17, 2018