When you get angry at a game or in other words rage. Commonly on Call if Duty
A Scottish word, meaning someone or something is crazy or mad - often in a funny sense.
"She's dancing on the table like a raj"
Raj is the bengali word means to rule or royalty
A friend who will always be there for you regardless of the situation you're in. A truly good man at heart with an amazing personality. A unique person who may take a lifetime to find, but once found will last you a lifetime
A Lion! Tall, proud, loyal, smart, quick witted, dominating presence, dark and mysterious.
Protective of his young and his pride.
“You need some one in your life you can tell everything to and know in your heart that he will not betray it. Once that person is in your life It’s somewhat liberating to be that vulnerable .”
"Raj is my best friend "
"his name is Raj"
Raj is a bengali word means to rule or royalty
A friend who will always be there for you regardless of the situation you're in. A truly good man at heart with an amazing personality. A unique person who may take a lifetime to find, but once found will last you a lifetime.
A Lion! Tall, proud, loyal, smart, quick witted, dominating presence, dark and mysterious.
Protective of his young and his pride.
“You need some one in your life you can tell everything to and know in your heart that he will not betray it. Once that person is in your life It’s somewhat liberating to be that vulnerable .”
"Raj is my friend"
"His name is Raj"
a Raj is a belligerent troll that hides under the west-gate bridge and preys on small children and women. a Raj may be found also be found on rare occasions hiding in an xbox party.
person 1: oh Raj yeah he never joins the xbox party, says we’re too loud.
person 2: oh Raj yeah i saw him under the west gate the other day.
A kid who thinks it’s ok to stalk his brother wherever he goes bc he is some prodigy and he’s not.
Look at that stalker. He’s such a Raj