That’s the Xtreme team over there. They’re so cool, they spell xtreme without the e on front. If you want to be xtreme you have to be X-rated (xtreme rated)
Rating someone on their looks only..
'F-rate' fuck rate or fit rate for younger memembers
On a scale of 1-10,
10 being fuckable and 1 non fuckable
10 fit and 1 ugly
Kim- Where's he on the f-rate?
sam- I would so I'd give him a 9/10
A 'rating agency' is a collective name for a group of arseholes that issue negative ratings to countries, companies and investment vehicles in order to enable their clients, especially banks, to asset strip them.
I see X rating agency have downgraded Y's sovereign debt...the banks are going to force the sale of public assets on the people, mark my words!
How often a particular job gets turned over, time and time again.
The churn rate on that mcjob is high. gee...nobody wants that job!
The amount a fingers a female can fit inside her vagina. If this is rating is above 4 then the rating will have the letter "C" after it, representing KitKat Chunky.
- "what was her KitKat rating dude??"
- "She was a 2......"
-"Not too bad then...."
When you rate someone if you'd smash or nah
Guy 1: Wanna smash rate?
Guy 2: Sure
Guy 1: Jennifer
Guy 2: a 6 I'd smash
A scientific measurement of the strength of the smell of period blood (PB), present in the room. The range is 0-5
0- None present
1- Very small, usually undetected
2- Small, but detectable
3- Starting to stink up the room
4- May cause gagging, pretty damn strong
5- Induces vomiting and possible post traumatic stress.
Person 1- "SON OF A BITCH!! Do you smell that?"
Person 2- "Yeah man, there is a PB Rating of 3 up in here. Man, I still have nightmares of the 5 I encountered."