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Real Definition

A rarely found thing on this site. Trust me, itโ€™s a challenge.

Yo have you found a real definition yet on urbandictionary.com?
Nah, itโ€™s so hard.
Fuck the site

by DonutProXx_YT January 25, 2021

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Real motherfucker

Real motherfucker, someone who always commits to whatever they are doing.

For example, yo did you see Steve knock that guy out who checked out his girls ass? He's a real motherfucker

by Mickylad97 April 5, 2018

A real friend

A real friend will always be there for you during ups and downs. They won't leave you because they're other friend isn't your friend.They would always care for you when your mad or upset they always find a way to cheer you up.

Jessica: hey I'm not Jasmine's friend she talks to much and always plays with other people.


Jessica:Also I don't want you to be her friend because I'm not her friend.

Brianna:Well sucks for you because I'm a real friend I'm not leaving her because your not her friend you tripping

by Gurlytrin October 25, 2019

in a real way

To mean what you say.

Visit hiphopyellowpages.us in a real way.

by King Le'El November 20, 2004

Real people

A real person is one that is "genuine" and "earthy". Real people do not take part in hipocrisy and lies in order to undermine their opponents. Real people often keep friendly relationships regardless of their benefits or non-benefits from it. In the end, a real person will stand by you, even when the fun is gone and life gets rough.

When my house burned down all my friends wouldn't let me stay with them, but Tony would......he's real.

Just one example of Real People.

by Joe DiMaggio January 4, 2008

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real smooth

Nice fuckup, dude!

(XY messes up)

-Real smooth, asshole!

by Derpsterix November 30, 2016

A Real Adc

Real adc's do exactly 10661 damage in aram games and dont need their flash to kite,

Fuck you gus. You arent a real adc

by Massotic June 5, 2020