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Can be used between friends as a term that addresses a person's dress wear or behavior in a lovey manner.

Patricia don't wear that love, it makes you look skanky. Sonia do you think this outfit makes me look skanky? Patricia that pose makes you look skanky, don't post that on Facebook.

by Ghettowords51 January 21, 2023


Another way of saying someone or something is gross.

Ew his hair is so skanky today”

by Scarly Warly April 15, 2022


A term Red Sox fans use to describe Yankees fans, all because they're pissed off about trading Babe Ruth back in the day.

Damn Skanky's! Fuck the Yankees.

by skankytiff May 25, 2008


a person named kennith with no filter for other’s feelings.

there goes skanky! same as always.

by rulesforday November 26, 2021


A whores vagina that has been used too many times

She had a skanky yoke on her

by Chaskew69 April 7, 2020