Source Code

sneaky vampire

Similar to the sudden werewolf, but can be done on any night. During doggystyle, right before climax, bite your partner on the neck. When he/she whips around and asks, "WTF?!", shoot your man-milk right in their eyes (it'll sting like garlic). When they search blindly for a weapon, turn into a bat and get the hell out of there, Bela. Be home before sunrise.

Kristina had been giving me a hard time lately, so I decided a sneaky vampire was in order. Bitch tried to put a stake thru my heart.

by Evil Jedi July 20, 2006

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Sneaky Snive

1. A white kid that does nigger things. 2. A kid from Winter Haven, FL that steals, mercilessly. 3. A god damned thief. 4. Someone that nobody trusts, no matter what. i.e. Halle Berry 5. A kid that steals Bushmaster .233 caliber semi-automatic police weapons out of unlocked cars just because he's a fucking nigger.

Holy shit, somebody stole all my shit for absolutely no reason at all.
It was probably Sneaky Snive, that thieving nigger that steals.
OH MY FUCK! It was Sneaky Snive, he left his ID behind because he's a fucking retarded ass nigger.
What a god damned thief.

by ANiggerFromHell August 11, 2011

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Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete. To steal your best mates wife or girlfriend.

Did u here Dave is now dating his best mates wife Linda, he did the old "sneaky Pete".

by Freestylez October 5, 2018

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Sneaky Snowman

A sneaky snowman is a sexual act that requires patience, skill, and a degree of tolerance for the cold. To perform a sneaky snowman, a man first inserts his erect penis into extremely cold water or a bucket of ice. Prolonged exposure can lead to frost-bite so caution must be used. The challenge is also to maintain an erection in spite of the cold. Once the penis has been sufficiently cooled, it should be inserted unexpectedly into a woman's vagina or anus. The unexpectedness of the act , and the accompanying sense of intense cold gives this sexual act its name.

Samantha mentioned to her friend Janet that her boyfriend Jack sneaked up behind her last night while she had just got out of the shower and gave her a sneaky snowman. She also mentioned that she found the experience "shockingly refreshing".

by CrepuscularMonty June 1, 2012

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sneaky finger

The action of inserting a digit into an orifice (usually the vagina, but sometimes the anus) unexpectedly.

I couldn't resist giving Sarah the sneaky finger; that short skirt was too tempting.

by Llowell June 18, 2005

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Sneaky Jesus

1) Technique used by popular Christian bands to 'sneak' Jesus or religious themes into their music.

2) The act of stealthily slipping a crucifix into the anus of one's partner during sexual intimacy.

Don't trust Keaton, he'll give you a Sneaky Jesus when you're not lookin'.

by Sarah, Liz, Mike January 3, 2006

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Sneaky Nigger

A sex maneuver in which the male waits until the female falls asleep. Then the male enters the room, has sex with the female, enpregnates her, then upon leaving, steals her T.V. and is never seen nor heard from by the female again.

Jack: Hey man, we need some cash, and i'm horny, what should we do.

Robb: You could pull off a sneaky nigger on that girl down the street. We could sell the T.V. at the pawn shop.

by ThatBitchinGuyPhil June 6, 2007

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