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the act of avoiding an unwanted act of affection

Dude I went out with this guy last night, and as I was saying good-bye he leaned in to kiss me but I swooped him and gave him a hug instead.

by Jennifer and Deanna May 9, 2008

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Emo Swoop

The hairstyle of an emo kid, in which the majority of the hair is parted off to the side, covering the face.
Usually dyed an assortment of colors, but most often black.
They also tend to be greasy, and pushed back a lot. But the emo swoop always falls back into place.

Real emo kids have emo swoops.

by xemostarx May 6, 2006

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pansy swoop

Guy hairstyle with long hair that sweeps to the side, like Zac Efron in High school musical, or Justin Bieber now.

Dear Justin Bieber,
Thanks for still rocking the hairstyle I had in High School Musical. Good to know someone's keeping the pansy swoop alive.
Sincerely, Zac Efron

by pseudonym?wtf... March 9, 2011

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swoops for days

Spirit group which was located at Will C Wood High school in Vacaville, California in the 2006/2007 school year. The group had several meanings to the members however it's actual meaning or purpose was never explained to the WCW Population. In fact this was actually due to the meaning itself.

Swoops for days within the group literally meant to steal someones marijuana. Or to screw up the rotation when having a pot smoking session.

However this was not always the case. Before it's creation swoops for days was a reference to an incident where one may have been trying to steal someones girlfriend. This gave the individual "Swoops for days". However as more people were added and the group was formed it was clear that the phrase was being used as more of a drug reference. Thus it was decided to obtain the drug reference meaning.

"He took more than two hits from the blunt... he's got Swoops for Days!"

"Damn he went on a date with her while she still has a boyfriend? Shit he's like an eagle.. he's got swoops for days!"

by PBBGJD August 5, 2007

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swoop and dupe

Noun that can be used as a verb. The art of sneaking around a Call of Duty map in order to gain a vantage point on the enemy. You dupe, or fake out, the enemy and then swoop down on them, killing them. Also known as flanking. Coined by Average Joes121 as he destroyed the enemy on Crossfire.

Holy cow Average Joes121 just pulled of the greatest swoop and dupe ever!

I kept running into oncoming bullets, so I swoop and duped the enemy and killed them all from behind.

by Timmyu12 October 9, 2009

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Swoop and Swiddle

When a player on Call of Duty Black Ops (or any COD games) distracts an oposing player while a teammate kills the oposing player from behind.

Yo gamehunter you want to go get some noobs with the swoop and swiddle?

by JW1083 June 23, 2011

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duck and swoop

An action where one avoids an agressive or unwelcomed advance by 1) ducking under the inital advance, then 2) swooping out of the situation. This escape technique was created and spread to help others get out of sticky situations while causing the least amount of awkwardness.

If a guy or girl is making unwelcomed advances towards you, as they reach out, duck under their arm(s) and swoop out of there as quickly as possible- to 'duck and swoop'.

by The new guy March 27, 2007

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