A gap in which you have to silently masterbation while in the same room as someone else without getting caught
Person A "hey what were you up to last night?"
Person B "I was doing the silent but deadly fap challenge, how about you?"
Person who lags in game and in real life too ......
Friend in game : don't shoot them
Deadly Champ : O..................K....
when someone with bad bad breath tries to tell you a secret and you swear you could just DIE!!!!
"damn teresa came to me with all her deadly whispers,...she should have kept that secret to herself!!!"
A crazy ass high where you end up in the middle of nowhere on train tracks with everything within a mile radius is just absolutely leveled.
Terreck: How was the kush I gave you?
Justin: Holy fucking shit it was ASS I woke up in a Deadly Train Crash.
The seven deadly sins is a animal for perverts. And it is about how people fucked up and they are trying to fix their mistakes.
Seven deadly sins are awesome
When you talk to a girl you really like and want to marry, and you treat her so good, do everything for her and make her dreams come true and do everything right, and she starts to get horny, and she gets so horny that she will go have sex with another guy who didn't do nothing for her at all. most of the time these be celebrity females and the guys be normal people not famous yet, its so heart breaking and kills the guy so much because he wants to be with her so bad that ABSOLUTE ALMIGHTY GOD THE CREATOR OF ALL WHO SEES ALL , AND KNOWS ALL, Even private thoughts. punishes them the worst way possible, even worst than hell being set on fire for all eternity.
she committed the ultimate deadly sin
Deadly Class is a series from 2019 based on the comics from 2014, “Deadly Class” published by Image Comics with 52 comics. The series is about a 19 year old boy named Marcus Lopez that ends up in a Murderer/Assassin school for both boys and girls. It’s actually only for ppl who have killed others, but Marcus actually hasn’t. If you wanna know more just watch the series or go to the Wikipedia page (16+)
Person 1: Dude! Have you watched Deadly Class yet?
Person 2: Isn’t that a comic?