Source Code

Kristen Stewart smiling

There is no such thing.

Dude: Hey man I just think just saw Kristen Stewart smiling
Other Dude: There is no such thing..

by The truff September 11, 2012

30πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Kristen woodall

Some one who is very sarcastic about coming to partys and is not invited to any partys ever again

-Is she coming to the party

- Idk she is being a kristen woodall

by Gilly Monster September 9, 2010

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kristen Stewart Syndrome

Similar to Nicholas Cage Syndrome but the female version.
"Having the same facial expression no matter what emotion you are experiencing"

Girl: I think you have Nicholas Cage Syndrome
Girl 2: What's that?
Girl: You don't show any physical emotion
Boy: I think you mean Kristen Stewart Syndrome since she's a girl.

by Tuxxette March 19, 2015

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Gross Kristen butt

Gross Kristen butt is an extreme form of cooties that effects girls name Kristen and makes them super needy Harry Potter dorks

Ewww gross Kristen butt!!!

by phrog2011 July 22, 2019

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deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes

Something so lifeless or useless (dead) that it out-deads even the lifeless-ness of Kristen Stewart's acting. This term first coined by Maria Walters, aka Masala Skeptic of Skepchick in the post "Reclipse: Yes, Twilight still sucks"

Zombies' brains are deader than Kristen Stewart's eyes.

by ariklkira June 2, 2012

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A Sweet Country Girl Who Name Doesn't Sound Country

Damn Kristen Are You A Country Girl ?

by RYE17 August 7, 2023


actually, it’s kristen

Kristen: Of course I already saw the edit

by whotouchamyspaghet February 5, 2018