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The Neha Theory

The theory formulated by astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, in which the Sun revolves around a relatively stationary Neha at the center of the Solar System.

Contrary to popular belief, the Neha theory explains how Neha is the center of the universe.

by NXOXO May 5, 2013

15👍 2👎

Bus Theory

Bus Theory. Bus Theory occurs when there has been a prolonged dry spell of male or female action (depending on preference of the individual). Typically after said period of time 'dry' multiple girls appear to take interest in you at the same time. This is just like buses in London, you wait a while and then a few turn up at the same time.

Like buses, the girls in question can be described in different ways. Typically, a short girl is known as a single decker, and the term double decker is usually used when referring to a larger,or taller girl. Some may even make use of the term "bendy-bus" when the female in question is something special, or has features out of the ordinary. 'Buses' may also be referred to as other large vehicles, such as executive coaches if the 'bus' is extremely good looking, or a rubbish lorry if the girl was a clear mistake.

I got some serious bus theory going on man, one's an executive coach but with a crap personality, and the other's pretty much a Lorry, but she's lovely, what should I do?!

by Hewsey November 29, 2010

18👍 3👎

Wikipedia Theory

The theory that all Wikipedia pages are somehow connected to others by links, and that you can get from one to another just by clicking links on each one.

I used the Wikipedia Theory to click my way from the article about unicorns to the one about the Apple iPad.

by kp10708 August 19, 2010

10👍 1👎

The Sunglass Theory

In the summertime it's kinda hard to figure out if a girl is hot or not because her sunglasses cover most of the face. To devide the hot and ugly girls you just need to see who's keeping the sunglasses on for the longest time for instance in the evening.

Mid day
#1,#2 - Oh, that girl look's really hot!!

#1 - Probably not, she's still got her sunglasses on..

#2 - yeah..the sunglass theory...damn it!

by hvemerdennekarenmedsekkogluepå April 19, 2010

10👍 1👎

The Mermaid theory

Based on How i met your mother's 11th Episode of 6th Season

300 years ago sailors stuck at sea would get desperate at sea for female comapionship, it got so bad that manatee out in the water started to look like beautiful womens, mermaids.

Every women no matter how initially repugnant have a mermaid clock, its the time it takes for you to bone her. sure today you see her as a manatee but she aint gonna stay that way.

The mermaid theory it's a thing.

by arv1e December 7, 2010

152👍 50👎

The potato theory

Either everything is a potato or nothing is a potato. This theory is very similar to the sex toy theory. Which says that either everything is a sex toy or nothing is a sex toy. This theory is similar to the atom theory. Which says that either everything is atom or nothing is atom.

Person: ey bro u a potato?!
Person 2: maybe bro, maybe ....
Person: shut up mr. the potato theory

by Eliasisnotgay October 18, 2020

replacement theory

You're insightful if you notice it and think it's good.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you notice it and think it's bad.

Tucker Carlson is engaging in debunked conspiracy theories when he peddles the racist "replacement theory." The government is not using waves of immigrants to replace white Americans.

by Clausewitz May 19, 2023

8👍 1163👎