1. A guy; male; boy; man
2. Sometimes refered to anyone
3. Just a word said to pass the time....
1. Scince John is a boy, he is a dude.
2. Manny: What's up, dude?
Samantha: Nothing much.
3. Ned: Dude....
Ben: Dude!
Ned: Duuuuuude!
Ben: Dude dude dude!
Ned: DUDE!!
Ned: Dude.
Guy 1-Look at this psycho dude riding his bike man.
Guy 2-I don't think that's a dude man.
Guy 1- Yea, that's a dude riding his bike.
Guy 2-I think that's a chick with short hair man.
Guy 1- How much you wanna bet this dude has a dick?
Guy 2- I'm not betting on it, who are you Mr. Big Brother know it all? How do you know that's a dude?
A good person you can have good times with and share good laughs.
I consider my friend Maria Vargas a good person, therefore she's a dude.
1. N. A man
2. N. A homie
(derivative) Interjection. Expresses amazement. Often spoken in the presence of a boy or a homie, but need not be
directed at anyone, and can be used in the presence of girls as well.
(derivative) Interjection. Used to console someone and express empathy for something terrible and shocking.
A: Look, dude- B: I'm not a dude, I'm a girl!
Dude, that's huge
Dude...I'm so sorry to hear that
a word used to much by white boys
dan: hey dude u wanna go surf
jake: sure dude