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Charlie Sheen

It's a drug. Only Winners take.

Kate: I heard that Tommy died this weekend. What happened?

Bob: I heard he tried some Drug called "Charlie Sheen" I guess his face melted off and his children were crying because his body exploded tiger blood all over the walls!!

Kate: Wow!! Crazy stuff.

by warlock11 March 4, 2011

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Chuck Sheen

The offspring and by product of a clone hybriding of Chuck Norris and Charlie Sheen. Chuck Sheens Godlike powers surpass anything the world has ever known. Chuck Sheen has the beard of a thousand Norrises.
Chuck Sheen has the lady loving skills of thousand Charlies.
When Chuck Sheen came out of his artificial placenta a thousand angels simultaneously wept, sprouted wings, and began fornicating (like that final scene in the devil's advocate).
Chuck Sheens first words were to Jesus and those words were: "I am your father"
Chuck Sheen knows what your cats are thinking.
Chuck Sheen is TriWinning. He wins here. He wins there. And he wins underwear.
Chuck Sheen can stop a panda in it's tracks with nothing more than an eyelash.
Chuck Sheen can bring a dead wombat back to life.
Chuck Sheen can drive your car from inside a boat.
When you look up awesome in the dictionary you see a picture of Chuck Sheen.

Zeus: Why can't I be awesome?
Me: You're not Chuck Sheen. 'Nuff said.

by Anasthma June 25, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is a drug that is unavailable because if you try it once, your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.

Dude, where is your face?!?!? Someone spiked my drink with Charlie Sheen last weekend.

by pd293 March 10, 2011

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adj- Being so legit on a level where you are Kanye West and Charlie Sheen at the same time. It is on a "legitness" level higher than that of Chuck Norris.

verb- being legitly told off.

adj- "Oh man, I just murdered that midterm. Im feelin' so Westly-Sheen right now."

verb- "damn dude! That guy just Westly-Sheened you!"

by alliLuv April 7, 2011

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Sheened up

This will now take the place of the term "fucked up" in polite company.

Dude, Saturday, I snorted 8 lines of coke, drank a whole bottle of Yager, boned 3 strippers, got countless STD's! I got totally SHEENED UP!

by DonDeeX March 2, 2011

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charlie sheen

a winner

charlie sheen is not losing

by aNOMNOMNOMynus April 13, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

Actor Charlie Sheen's drug of choice. Consists of cocaine, tiger's blood, and vodka.

Man, I got totally wasted off of some awesome Charlie Sheen last night.

by Flipflops76 March 10, 2011

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