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Ramble Typing

When you find yourself rambling at the keyboard, typing an email that takes almost an hour because you type a paragraph, stop for a minute, go back type another paragraph and so on...

You'll know you're ramble typing when you catch yourself starting every paragraph with, "So anyways.."

Chad: "...and that's about all I've been doing lately.

So anyways, ya lately it's just been basically that; just sittin around yknow, masturbating to the home shopping network, whippin' up Digiorno's all day. Basic stuff.

But ya, pretty much just that. Not much else... So anyways,..."

Chet: Goddamn this fool's ramble typing...

by Rawb Eytch January 5, 2010


Similar to, referring to; another idea or object.

This book is type-a-like that other book in our 4th grade class.

by Bird_Skull June 27, 2016


Boob Type: Verb; the act of inadvertently typing words while one's breast is pressed to a technological device.

super_cool28: daskgjbn----111,.

softballer99: What?!

super_cool28: Sorry! I was carrying my laptop downstairs and I pressed it against my boob by accident!

softballer99: OMG! You boob-typed!

by IVS September 20, 2009

type 7

A watery shit, no solid pieces. Entirely liquid.
As defined by Bristol Stool Chart

After all that booze and that dodgy kebab last night, a type 7 was inevitable this morning

by jtevezl April 26, 2011


Cross-typing verb.

1) The act of assuming an alternate (usually fake) online persona or identity and/or representing yourself as that alternate identity through email, chat, or text messaging communications. Most commonly observed in chat rooms and in singles ads for amusement or gathering attention.

2) Using a keyboard & the internet to pretend to be someone other than what you are, for whatever purpose.

3) Cross-typing is a bit like cross-dressing, with a keyboard instead of clothes (without the gender identity issues).

4) similar to phishing or vishing but done for attention, distraction or photo farming.

Bubba, the 55 year old trucker from Wisconsin, relished the online attention he got cross-typing as a 22 year old model from L.A.

by Aged Razed Hen (anagram) June 8, 2009

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wipe and type

Wipe and type is when you're typing on the laptop, then you wipe your hind quarters and continue typing. This is a very frowned upon practice, as it spreads bacteria and foul odors.

It's OK to bring the laptop in the bathroom and surf the web while you take a dump... Just don't do a wipe and type!

by dustin fields December 7, 2006

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typing a paper

What you should be doing right now, instead of searching 'typing a paper' on urbandictionary.com

What should you be doing right now?: typing a paper= What you should be doing right now, instead of searching typing a paper on urbandictionary.com

by magatron February 10, 2009

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