Acquire money or items that you can sell for money By stealing jacking or swooping from cars houses garages warehouses or job sites
Come up/coming up: acquiring items you can sell for money by stealing jacking or swooping.
Tonight I’m going car fishing to swoop some valuables to sell for cash so I can come up;
It is a quote used to show how if you have a downfall, you wont be able to rise back up again considering the bad things you have done
Person 1 : Come the fuck on man, cant we just move on??
Person 2 : Nah you cant get back from it now.
Person 3 : As it has been said “He who fucks up, Cannot get back up.” -Lembino
A phrase for when someone you love won't shut up about fucking you.
Caleb kept saying how much he wanted to have sex with karter so carter said "shut up you're my shut up"
Leveling Up And Getting Money, And Being So Dedicated to what You Do In Life, That No One Can Stop You Or Break Your inner Peace.
Rank Up Rack Up Keep your inner peace strong Nothing Can Stop You...