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Wait of Shame

When you contemplate in the hallway if you should tell your parents you pissed the bed

I had to do the wait of shame when I pissed the bed last year

by Chunky little boy November 30, 2021

russian wait

When you waited for 3 or fewer seconds before deciding you waited unacceptably long, and leave.

Retail employee: "Why did you leave, I said I would be right back?"
Customer: "I waited, and then left."
R: "I was only gone for 5 seconds though."
C: "It was a Russian wait."

by procersapientiae April 15, 2021

Woah, wait


Woah, wait, say again?

by chryobyte December 22, 2021

Wait what?

Typical expression used when you are surprised by something but you werent paying attention to the person who is telling you it.
Used also as “you cant be serious

Marcel: I went to the shop, then I went to schiol, then I had lunch, then I banged your sister, then I...
You: Wait what?


Nurse: you have been in a coma for six years
You: Oh I m looking forward to see my relatives
Nurse: They all died in a carcrash
You: There are so many things I want to d... Wait what?

by Ebreonazista May 23, 2018

Waiting for Victor

When you are in love with someone who barely thinks about you and will eventually forget about you. It is a reference to the Bret Easton Ellis novel The rules of attraction in which the character of Lauren is madly in love with Victor a boy she dated last year who is now in Europe. She is afraid to comtact him throughout the whole movie. The third act of the book he calls Lauren and it is revealed he was calling someone else and doesn't even remember Lauren.

Person 1: I just can't get him/her out of my mind.
Person 2: Dude it's never gonna happen. You're Waiting for Victor.

by generalofnerdia January 2, 2019

Wait a tarnation

Wait a second/minute + What in tarnation = Wait a tarnation

Wait a tarnation, where my fertalizer go?

by BagleMiester March 26, 2017

wait and see

a direct quote from the one and only true lgbt icon, niqabbi woman. known for hating america and gays, she appeared in a tonyvegas video where she bravely told the world "i will make sure we BOMB !"

she's now been claimed by stan twitter that she's the only lgbt icon in the entire world now after people found out darren criss actually was straight, and not gay. As the portal paradox, the cake is a lie.

it is also important to always clap three times after or during saying "wait and see"

this viral slang is mostly known for being used by the stan twitter community, usually the ones who can't find themselves a good looking man to pay for their dinner.

friend: i don't think that you look good today
me: wait and see ! *claps fiercely*

by mariah carey is skinny February 9, 2018