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Dubious Waking

This is the intentional ''evil'' act of waking up friends on your contact list in the middle of the night by either calling ,texting or sending them BBM messages just because you are having difficulties sleeping for one reason or another. This is mostly done with a huge smile/grin on your face.

Steve: Gary you look so tired, rough night ?

Gary: I am a victim of Kamir's 'Dubious Waking'. He kept ringing my phone in the middle of the night and hanging up immediately.

by Kamosirous August 3, 2011

Wake and Fake

Morning sex where the male or female orgasm is faked in order to shorten this experience that should already only take between 5-10 minutes.

I hate it when my wife fake orgasims. She fake orgasmed the other morning. She thinks it helped, but it was only coincidence that I came faster.

"Honey, did you just wake and fake?"

by Explosive_Joseph June 11, 2020

Wake and Bis

Wake and Bis verb

1. Emerge from a deep slumber with the gentle and melodic tunes of Andrew Bisante, alias Deeprest. In some regions, a traditional wake and bis may be accompanied by an herbal persuasian, although not required.

“No better way to start my day than with an early wake and bis. Man I love sante

“This wake and bis got me feelin right

“Honey, you seem groggy today. Did you remember to wake and bis this morning?”

by D.S. [DS] January 27, 2023

Wake and vape

Instead of wake and bake.

Why are you in such a good mood this morning?

Wake and vape.

by my mAin Hack January 2, 2017

Wake Waow

(n.) A term relating to someone who is so profusely dumb/bizarre that the brain cannot comprehend that they did or said a certain thing. Usually referring to a friend or family member so as to not directly call them out and keep them anonymous, but the people in that social circle all know who that person is (commonly accompanied with a sigh and a "I'm not surprised" thought)

No one:

Not a single soul:

Wake Waow: I hate puppies. They are the worst. Sushi is awful because my tongue was born in 2018. I like Emma Watson but I refuse to say it because I'm a good boi. Also who is this Emily Weed I keep hearing about?

by WAKE WAOW November 11, 2020


(n.) An exclamation, used in shock, thrill, excitement, terror, or a combination of the aforementioned emotions; when one is so legitimately surprised that there is no other viable option of words to shout.

M: I tried really hard to make sure that bacon was pristine. Cured that baby for about 3 days.
J: And? It turned out well right?
M: Nope. One of my friends overcooked my masterpiece and it was unsalvageable.

by WAKE WAOW November 11, 2020

wake and take

Wake and Take is when you wake up and go to your cousins room and take his or her virginity away.

cousin #1: i think i’m going to pull a wake and take on my cousin

cousin #2: oh no, better tape my ass shut

by mothers penis April 2, 2020