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Walter Time

That friend that when you say you'll get their at a certain time, he will decrease it considerably.

"We'll get there in 3 hours"

"Walter is driving so we have to convert to Walter time."

"Oh okay then an hour"

by Kiwiikiller1 October 7, 2018

Icy Walter

An Icy Walter is the term used to best describe the act of washing ones genitals with cold or 'icy' water.

Commonly used for post-hot shower sex... Once the hot water runs out.

Can often occur in the third shower phase of the three shower affair

-She just had an Icy Walter- or -I just Icy Waltered myself.-

by Wart1dess December 12, 2010

Sol Walters

A fictitious lurking beast of a man whose name can be easily be substituted for anyone's name, or appearance.

Randy: Have you seen my almonds?
Steve-O: Nah dude, bet Sol Walters stole them

Andy: Dude you see that guy over there?
Joe: Yea, he looks like Sol.... Sol Walters

by Baker Rawlings January 25, 2006

Dark Walter

A Wet Walter performed without the consent of the partner. It is highly frowned upon.

Bro 1: I gave my girl a Dark Walter last night.

Bro 2: You’re going to fucking jail, Kenneth.

by Hans Francisco May 23, 2022

Salty Walter

When a person is being extra pissy, aka salty.

"Joshua is pissed that I didn't go down on him. He is such a Salty Walter."

by penguinpufferlovers420 February 27, 2018

Lyle Walters

Sticking a shaken bottle of orange soda in your ass and giving yourself an enema.

I gave myself a Lyle Walters to get myself to poop.

by sixpakofdwarves April 1, 2020

Wet Walter

A niche sex act in which a man, ejaculates into his hand and then slaps his partner across the face.

Man: Here comes the payloadWET WALTER!

by Hans Francisco May 22, 2022