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weak anthropic principle. just because something seems special, doesn’t mean it is because it had to happen to someone.

“omg i won the lottery! isn’t that so special!”
“not to be a buzzkill, but actually that’s not special because according to WAP (the weak anthropic principle), someone had to have won the lottery so it may as well have been you.”

by pseudonym has a silent p August 8, 2022


Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's song, WAP.

Also used as describing a wet a** kitty, WAP.

'Oh my Gods, Diana has such a big WAP!'

'Did you hear about Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's new song? It's called WAP!'

by i love hubbiled January 23, 2021


Wap is Worship and Prayer as referred to in the famous song by Cardi B

“Hey pastor can we listen to WAP today I want to feel spiritually blessed”

by Gilbertoe December 24, 2020


WAP; an abbreviation for 'Wet Ass Pussy', coined by Cardi B.
The abbreviation is about having wet/ good pussy.

WAP can only be applied to 'bitches' or 'shawtys' who have good game when it comes to swallowing dick.
It has been popularized not only by Cardi B's music but by individuals on Tiktok, Twitter, and Youtube, who make jokes about people have def got WAP or people have def not got that good puss.

Jim: "Damngg, look at that shawty. She totes got a WAP"
Girl with WAP: Thick, hot, slim waist.

Hughburt Jeffron: "She's got phat pussy lips!"
Macy: "You can practically smell the WAP!"
Hughburt Jeffron: "What I'd give to fuck that WAP..."

by hmmmt September 6, 2020


Wap mean Wet Ass Pussy

My girl got that Wap

by Cherriblxssxm August 8, 2020


Worship and prayer

I love wap!

by obi blaster June 24, 2021


An acronym for Worship and Praise

Are you going to WAP today?
Will you WAP with your friends today?

by mranch4 October 28, 2020