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doing that charlie sheen does.

Charlie sheen: Duh! Winning!

by FatfarmFucker March 17, 2011

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A phrase used by Charlie Sheen to prove that he is amazing.

1. "I'm Not Bipolar, But Bi-Winning."

2. Person A: Dude that Charlie Sheen shirt looks amazing on you.
Person B: Thanks I got it from Hot Topic.
Person A: You're Winning!

by MyHouseIsOnFire April 3, 2011

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When you have tiger blood and do a drug called Charlie Sheen. You also have to be a warlock rock star from mars.

Charlie Sheen: I'm Winning!

by McGrimace March 10, 2011

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Charlie Sheen

I'm not bi-polar, I'm Bi-Winning!

by Squinn1989 March 14, 2011

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getting retartedly drunk on a daily basis.

Drinking to the point when you make questionable decisions.

Drinking more than you should in one sitting.
guzzling large quantities of alcohol.

I am winning at the bar.
Bob and i are winning.
When you drink you win...You dont wanna be a loser all your life do you?
Hey man you wanna go to the bar and win?
I want to be a winner today.
I won hard last night.

by Hatrick Podges November 7, 2011

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a term used by Charlie Sheen to describe the awsomness of his life and/or actions or the life and/or actions of others that in actuallity are not something to be praised. Also sometimes said as bi-winning. it can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, a sentence, heck it can be anything it wants.

what is he actually winning though..? no one knows for sure..

though Michael Jackson is dead, he is now more populaar than ever.. WINNING

"β€œI’m not bi-polar, I’m bi-winning. I win here and I win there.”- Charlie Sheen

β€œThe only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning.”- C.S

Coke and sex with porn stars sounds like a winning life to me.

by iwhoshallnotbenamed May 10, 2011

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I give up.
You are the bigger asshole Black Kat.

Neo-nazi bot has left the building ladies and gentlemen. Never to return.

by This was Neo-Nazi bot April 18, 2005

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