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Avatar Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS)

The "medical" condition that affects the brain/heart/soul of Avatards everywhere. This syndrome is acquired from lack of new episodes for the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Symptoms include but are not limited to:
1) Mild to severe depression
2) Acute boredom
3) Mood Swings
4) Randomly breaking out in maniacal laughter
5) Randomly breaking out into monologues/quotes/songs from the show, all memorized to the exact emotions, pauses, and punctuation.
6) Randomly breaking down in hysteric tears
7) Randomly moaning
8) Sudden urges to run to AvatarSpirit.net to check for any updates, even though you just checked 3 minutes ago.
9) Constantly on the Internet searching for any sign of the return of A:TLA
10) Having dreams about the return of A:TLA only to wake up and discover it was just a dream
11) Start to abandon your favored shipping and turn to the dark side
12) Snap out of it and start crying because you realized you almost lost hope
13) Worst case scenario is that fans curl up into the fetal position in a corner of their room and start rocking back and forth, chanting the theme song over and over.
If symptoms continue for an unbearable period of time (which could be over 2 weeks to X number of months depending on the person) the recommended remedy is to surround yourself with Avatar related stuff: make your own fan art, fanfictions, make a petition to Nickelodeon saying that you're fed up with the wait and then never send it, as hard as it is, try and find another show that is almost as good as Avatar and watch that, talk to friends about how great the show is, buy more merchandise, etc.
AWS strikes hardest in fangirls rather than fanguys for reasons not yet proven. Some say that fangirls' constitutions are too weak to deal with the stress and are prone to break down more quickly. My personal opinion is that fanguys are too self-conscious to let their fanguy-ness show.
My message to people suffering from AWS is to take this time to convert others into Avatards and brush up on your Avatar knowledge, but always remember that the show WILL come back; never loose hope!

Avatar Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) is a syndrome that every Avatard will battle against at least once in their fan lives.

by Elisa Paz February 3, 2008

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Best Friend Withdrawal Syndrome

A disease that your best friend inflicts upon you when you have not seen them for at least six months. Symptoms including crying and nagging of your best friend. The only known cure for this disease is for the affected patient to see their best friend. In severe, cases, if left untreated the disease can lead to fighting among best friends.

Dude, I haven't seen my best friend in months! I'm gonna get best friend withdrawal syndrome!

by ballet12 March 28, 2011

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[Acute] [Marching] [Band] [Withdrawal]

Acute Marching Band Withdrawal is the influx of negative emotions that occurs directly or shortly thereafter the terminus of a marching band season. Coincides with having too much free time on weekends.

Bob: Pat, why are you so down?

Pat: Because marching band ended...I have Acute Marching Band Withdrawal

Bob: Shouldn't you be happy? You have free time, now.

Pat: But nobody talks to me during band class anymore, and I don't hang out with any of my friends

Bob: Quit your whining. At least you're better than the football team...

by Drew P. Weinerhofer December 1, 2013

Pre-Kermit withdrawal syndrome

A strange illness usually contracted through iminant loss of a much loved work collegue.

Symptoms include:
Abusive behaviour on forums
Neglecting tea duties
Strange odour

by kermit March 14, 2005

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CTY withdrawal (also known as ACW)

ACW: acute cty withdrawal
Currently, there is no cure. It is the period that can be a couple of days to several years after you leave CTY in which you miss your friends very very much. Symptoms may include hacking cough, the "sniffles," and a horrible cold, as well as randomly thinking of a great memory and breaking down crying. The most noticable of symptoms is the tearing that occurs (even in the toughest of men) whenever one hears any High Holy Canon (Forever Young, Stairway to Heaven, and American Pie), however American Pie has the most noticable effect. Also can induce the sufferer to listen to Canon repeatedly for the following month after CTY, especially all the songs which were not played at the dances. ACW is the reason for the various canon lists on the internet. The most effective treatment is that one either return to cty, create a cty boarding school, or spend lots of time with ctyers.

I'm suffering from CTY withdrawal (also known as ACW)... I feel so sick. I miss you guys!

by Suhayl July 17, 2006

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Clinical Renewal Withdrawal Syndrome (CRWS)

Marked by significant psychological distress, Clinical Renewal Withdrawal Syndrome (CRWS) is a generalized psychiatric disorder classified under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as an "Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood."

CRWS occurs in persons with insatiable desires to play competitive video games online. These addicts usually play with a relatively consistent group of players or friends. CRWS occurs when a player loses a member of his/her group of typical teammates - leading to maladaptive behavior.

Often the patient will exhibit agitated and aggressive behavior, involuntary finger compulsions and eye twitching (believed to be simulating that of gameplay), loss of appetite, and mental confusion. The later is believed to be a direct result of the loss of a leader figure. Consequently, it is not uncommon for a CRWS sufferer to become inappropriately attached to any person(s) viewed as an authority figure (e.g. law enforcement officers, teachers, coaches). Until recently, CRWS has not been observed in a clinical setting. Research done in early 2009 by Barry A. Kraiggen, M.D., Ph.D. showed that a decline in academic work is correlated with CRWS in a staggering 96.2% of cases.

Further research is needed to confidently prescribe a definitive method of treatment for CRWS sufferers. However, independent trials are being run by Dr. Erin B. Olivander, and Jakob O. Keetings, Ed.D at the DEBO clinic. Initial findings suggest that the return of the sufferer to his/her game routine will immediately dissolve the condition. Pharmaceuticals (including: benzodiazepines, SSRIs, and atypical antidepressants) are found to be less than optimal in reducing anxiety in CRWS patients (with the exception of mirtazapine). The research being done at the DEBO clinic is still in its infancy stages, and additional material on the subject will likely not be released until the spring of 2010.

"Ian hasn't been himself since Eugene left for that wedding." - Nick
"Yeah, he's only going to be gone a few more days, but I think it's really starting to be a problem." - Terry
"I think maybe he has that Clinical Renewal Withdrawal Syndrome (CRWS)..." - Nick

by capomatrice September 8, 2009

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Butt Buddy Withdrawal Syndrome (BBWS)

A sickness that occurs when one is apart from their butt buddy for more than three months. Symptoms include but are not limited to depression, tears, anger, nausea, insomnia, and explosive diarrhea.

Oh man, I haven't seen Sam in a while, I think I'm developing Butt Buddy Withdrawal Syndrome (BBWS), cause I blew up my toilet the other day

by Dewlong April 7, 2014

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