To be ravished by Sushi for the first time
Mitch lost his Sushi Virginity
Defined as a "Girl who can run faster than her Uncle" - mainly on account of the people in the English county of Norfolk being said to be inbred - cousins marry one another rather too often, resulting in reducing IQ measurements from one generation to the next...
She's 19 years of age and from Norwich and still doesn't have a kid - she must be a Norfolk Virgin
March 27th is National lose your virginity to a munch day
National lose your virginity day is defined as did you lose your v card on the national day
basically they wanted to collect every particle of a human female menstrual period cycle to study and analyze the egg that's being discarded through this process but they couldn't ever find a female clean or enough or hygienic enough to work with during these end times...and they look to me for an solution and i had a simple one that i did not offer it and ask them to leave me out of science the study and research of the world around them because its purely can be nonsense and heresy...and its too deep for me to speak on if i wanted to ...i have more important things to worry about instead of an unfertilized rotten egg...just an cliche expression not a true definitive expression because again i have no knowledge of what's going on during this process
do they have to study absolutely everything like that and The Virgin Essence failed experimentation too? they look for a cure in everything but their own shit.
Virgin Islanders, also known as virgins, are people who live on the British or United States Virgin Islands.
The Virgin Islanders are virgins.
a women how give birth to the son of god, without sexual activities. That's why she is a virgin
i have no idea what to write in the example so im going to write "virgin mary"