Asian Central. The number #1 banter page on Instagram. If you do not follow, you are a simp.
Judge: Do you follow Asian Central?
Person: Yes
Judge: *checks persons Instagram*
Judge: You do not follow Asian Central, so you are a simp
Person: Jine Mera Dil Luteya
Judge: Oho
An Asian Rachel is an attention seeking Asian female (usually with a substance abuse problem) who jumps from one group of acquaintances to another while professing that everybody is her “best friend” When her cringe behavior and drunken antics wear thin on a certain circle she switches her colors like a chameleon to another one. Sometimes she pretends to be the gay bae other times she’s the subculture gamer comic nerd chick. She secretly is terrified to be alone and single and will always gravitate toward unattractive introverted men who she thinks won’t attract other females.
She’s not a real friend she’s an Asian Rachel
An asian man with no legs but extremely long arms circling the outside of a pool screaming the entire bible. Normally found in thailand and very northern Canada.
Oh wow thats a rare asian pool walker!
When two Asian women scissor and pour tea over their body
They definitely like to Asian tea!
A very beautiful Filipino male named James
Dylan: "Yo it's Asian James guys!! I WANNA KISS HIM"
Chris: "James my BELOVED!"
Asian James: "It's Asian Jamesin' time."
Spack No.2: Hey, wanna watch sum Asian Minecraft Let's play?
Spack No.1: *Awkward silence*.... "Sure!"
Something a woman named
tophia would watch
Tophia: i love asian teen corn
Me: WTF 🤢🤮