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taco bell internet

Slow ass internet such as the kind you'd get from using the free WiFi at a Taco Bell.

Griff: This Taco Bell internet is laggy as hell.
Tucker: Yeah dude, you're rubber banding all over the place.

by GDubz019 July 26, 2021

chloe belle

really hot sexy funny person

you’re chloe belle

by perfectperson12344 April 30, 2021

taco bell graffiti

The poop stains in the toilet bowl

I wish people would stop leaving all this taco bell graffiti, I mean the brush is right next to the toilet for a reason!

by I piss knowledge December 11, 2020

Disney Princess Cupcake topper ring belle

a ring with disney princess in

disney princess cupcake topper ring belle

by 22323w April 30, 2019

taco bell bathrooms

when you try to say the place is exploded

Dude this dump looks like taco bell bathrooms!

by HCtheFUNNYMAN September 13, 2023

What hot girls get at taco bell

two cheesy gordita crunch medium dr pepper

“babe you already know my order, two cheesy gordita crunch medium dr pepper
(aka What hot girls get at taco bell)

by ilikepain December 3, 2021

Bell Gore

A tamer subgenre of gore that focuses less on graphic injuries and death like traditional gore but more on any tense situation that involves a person getting not seriously hurt.

Examples of bell gore: Shot with a paintball gun, slapped, beating, getting knocked out, hit with a baseball, fist fights.

“I think regular gore is too extreme, which is why I like bell gore because it still has that tense situation but doesn’t set it’s premise on injuries.”

by Lauremil May 3, 2024